bootstrap textarea with character count

First, we set the max limit and then use keyup() method to reduce the textarea character limit by 1 when we click the button and display the count on the screen . In this tutorial I will explain to you character count in textarea or how to count characters from textarea in php. You can try to run the following code to work with textarea in Bootstrap Forms. Without the need to work on it from the ground up, you can now speed up the workflow, while still keeping it at the same professional level. What more to like about it is that it creates a rich text editor. Today i am going to explain how to limit the character count in the textarea and showing the remaining characters using bootstrap. If you want to change anything so that the final creation caters to your project, make it happen. Message textarea inside of a A typical subscription form used when subscribing to a newsletter, asking a question in a Javascript Bootstrap - Textarea count characters validation with example Posted 5 years ago By Ajay Gupta 33996 Share In this example, I will tell you how to implement character count and apply validation for maximum character length in textarea. So, we will see character count in textarea with remaining character count in textarea in PHP. if you have question How to Use a Multiline Text Area in ReactJS then we provide example. Use the following to skip using else and also skip getting negative count. The HtmlHelper class includes two extension methods to render multi-line