I would be interested to hear what you think of itand to see photos! College ghost stories are one of the best ways for upperclassmen to mess around with the . It was at eye-level when I was sitting at my desk, so it was in the mid-section of the door. From the outside, Ohio University's Wilson Hall appears to be another quaint college dorm. Sometimes this story is about a young woman and sometimes a young man, but no one has ever found a record of any death in that room and the RA told me he thought it was just a rumor. Wilson Hall is said to be the home of a ghost that died in a mysterious way in the 1970s. Her Campus may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. The actual wood grain of the door made the outline of the head as well as the facial features. Can you tell me what floor and room number your room was? Some of the detials you explain dont quite match my current closet door, but it could also be because you had this door 31 years ago and time may have messed up the drawings on the wood grain. Does that count? There is a room 420 and then it goes to 434. This supposedly haunted hall is incredibly similar to James Hall. Flickr user Michael. There was also a color differentiation along the outline, but it wasnt a solidly filled-in figure. Residents have reported hearing basketballs being dribbled, laughing, and talking in the hallways, especially in the arch that connects Washington and Read Hall. Wilson Hall itself, named in . Nothing paranormal happened the entire year we lived there, only some really good partys. Assuming it was my classmates(hind site prob boiler noises) but this room I walked into looked like an old theater and had the entire wall painted black with some denonic figure and the opening of the mouth was the stage. I live in wray hall this year and just 2 days ago I noticed that my closet door has the outline of a demons face with horns on it too. the door you are describing is right next to the door for the room that i lived in for two school years. Athens is a small town located in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. Bryan Hall was built in 1948 and named after Elmer Burnitt Bryan, Ohio University's 11th President. Room 428 was home to several deaths, a rumored astral projection, and poltergeist activity. Wilson Hall itself, named in the honor of the late faculty member Hiram Roy Wilson, is actually a rather new building, erected in 1965 and not nearly as old as much of the campus around it, yet it has nevertheless managed to attract quite the impressive reputation as being incredibly haunted, with all sorts of urban legends congregating around it over the years. Haunted Mansion of Billionaire John Caudwell, Haunted Place - Clifton Hall In Nottingham, 10 Popular Haunted Places To Go On Halloween In Nashville, Hammerhead Worm: Flat Head Worm With Neurotoxin, Tsuchinoko Mysterious Snake Like Creature in, Mystery Behind The Solway Firth Spaceman Photograph. My body and floated around the room. Wilson Hall The Haunted Place In Ohio University, The Most Secretive Place On Earth Revealed, The Creepy Tales Of The Haunted Parallel Forest In Lawton,, Largest And Oldest Building Of South Africa Is Said To Be. The student was also rumored to have repeatedly attempted to contact the dead and that she often dabbled in sorcery practices. Hey, im seth, a student at OU, this last week, myself and a few friends went to the ridges, and before hand went to see the demon door. I happened to look at the closet door in my room and saw at eye-level an outline of a devils face with horns. It sounds like you had a very similar experience! . The 1st and 4th floors were resided in by boys and the second and 3d floors were the girls floors. Wilson Hall, Washington Hall and Jefferson Hall are some of the most haunted buildings on campus. please some give us more information about this girl and her bizarre incident!! but if you want scary go to mental hospital that is really scary. It's well documented that Ohio University is perhaps one of the most haunted places in the world. Just beyond the Hocking River that surrounds campus, an eerie building sits atop a high hill, renamed as The Ridges in 1984. Here are just a few personal hauntingsIve experienced, as well as some things experienced by others here. We all thought it was pretty funny and would try to scare eachother by putting in a Marley CD after telling the story to a visitor, then having someone sneak over and unplug the stereo right after it began to play. In the heart of all the legends and lore surrounding Athens county and neighboring towns, Ohio University is home to an abundance of haunted rumors, ghost stories, and alleged sightings. While misfortune and mystery have inspired rumors of the school's other ghosts, the apparitions of Reid Hall were rooted in a murder-suicide that took place in 1959. We even identify with it when other students that we know acknowledge the fact that OU is infamous for our hauntings. She got up, left the room, and closed the door behind her. Washington Hall - This hall is said to be haunted by an entire basketball team of ghosts. She then jumped from the window and died. My freshman year I was bombarded with the typical dorm ghost stories (some of which I later believed!) When they returned to where they had seen the woman, the door was not only closed, but locked as well with no signs of anyone having been there. I moved out during winter break and never turned back. They discovered that Wilson Hall is built on the same location as the original site of an early cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. 428 of the Wilson Hall on the west Green is locked. Theres really nothing else I could makeout about it. The five major cemeteries of Athens, where the cults held rituals, form a pentagram. Thanks, The archives online do not go back far enough- you have to go to Alden to do your research. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. You need a filter, and". Strangest thing that ever happened to me when I was there. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! Honestly, its freaky that we both noticed images while talking on the phone and initially had the same reaction of thats weird!! Discovered to be a paranormal hot spot towards the end of the . Show more. One resident has said of the buildings haunted reputation and her thoughts on it: As someone who lives in Wilson Hall I have yet to experience any of these phenomena's but that is not to say that they don't happen. Required fields are marked *. The following Spring of 94, residents began experiencing problems; lights would turn on and off by themselves, items would disappear and reappear several days later, then things got worse. When you look on a map, there is said to be five cemeteries that form a pentagram with Wilson Hall located in the center. Before coming to campus,students hearabout the supposed hauntings, especially inthe old Athens Lunatic Asylum (now called The Ridges), the haunted dormsand cemeteries. People over the years have reported seeing the ghost of patients in the windows of the building, seeing strange lights and hearing disembodied voices/screams and other unidentifiable sounds. Afterwards, I taped wrapping paper to the outside of the closet doors and had no wood grain to look at anymore! Feb 24, 2017 - Explore Carrianne Price's board "Ohio University" on Pinterest. Are the halls of Ohio University housing the spirits of people long forgotten along with the leaders of tomorrow? In her free time, she writes for her personal blog: www.hannahmeetsworld.com. The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. This face wasnt a shadow, but had details drawn by the wood grain. You cant really see it from the outside anymore (if we had the same door) but the wood just looks weirdly distorted with dark lines. Has anyone experienced anything creepy around room 428 yet this year? I certainly chalked this up to maybe someone drunk dragging in. I was born in Athens and have lived here all my life. Still everyone did and still does have fun with it. We've all heard the horror stories of moldy showers, broken air conditioners, and haunted dorms, so here is the quick guide of the best (and worst) places to live on Ohio University's main campus. I had a desk that was right next to my bed and where my head was, is where the drawer was near. Openinga year after the state of Ohio was established in 1804, its a given that with the areasrich history, there are bound to be some very old ghosts walking the streets of Athens. Rhodes Hall (354, C5) Ohio State's brush with our very own Dr. Death began in 1983 when Michael Swango, fresh from medical school at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, secured a . anonymous reports received via email, From: Thomas, Sara (Sara.Thomas@qwest.com) Even if I have to pay admission or go on some cheesy guided tour. Bromley Hall. I lived on the 4th floor but I dont remember what number it was. The one they thought escaped but they found her months later in an abandoned part of the hospital. maybe it was the same room? When she's not writing, she loves to paint, hammock with friends and take care of her plants. There are many rumors surrounding Wilson Hall and the paranormal activity going on here, so The . Ohio University is considered one of the most haunted universities in the U.S. . Seth, i lived in room 320 right underneath the boiler room for two years (2009/2010 and 2010/2011 school years). Now I was the only one there, and I know it was plugged in when I pushed play and not plugged in two seconds later! I lost my wallet, broke a monitor for my computer, another two guys came down with mono, another lost his wallet. I lived in Johnson Hall on the East Green and even over there and along the Hocking River you could feel how thin the veil was. Hi Michael! After numerous incidents of this, her friends plot a line of where the source might be coming from or where it might be taking her. I do not remember anyone dying there but Athens was always a spooky place. There are two Wilson halls. Never heard of the story or heard of strange things happening. 428 of the Wilson Hall on the west Green is locked. Aside from the sounds of marbles dropping (as heard in Washington Hall, and as you will see others as well), footsteps in the halls, water fountains turning on and off at will, and doors opening are commonly reported strange occurrences in the hall. The woman died. More sinister reports are that demonic faces would appear in reflective surfaces or even within the woodwork only to vanish again, or that blood will sometimes drip from the ceiling or walls. The location itself checks off nearly every horror movie cliche. Besides those five, there are about 20 more smaller family graveyards scattered in the hills north of the school. There are also the typical spooky tales of Satanic worship carried out there in the old days, or that covens of witches would perform dark rituals in the cemeteries, and it has also been found that the hall was actually built over the site of an early cemetery for the Athens Mental Institute, an insane asylum which was closed off and abandoned in 1993. IVE LOOKED AND CANNOT FIND ANYTHING ABOUT HER OTHER THAN SHE HAD ROOM 428 AND DIED A VIOLENT WAY DURING THAT NIGHT. Residents of the room have reported being physically touched by unseen hands, as well as sudden drops in temperature. Customer #2: *Interrupting* "He doesn't know what he's talking about! I have no explanation for this the only way I could lock myself out is to slide my keys under the door and I wouldnt, even in a half sleep, do that on purpose. i am not sure the truth of it all but something bad had to have happened there for the university to block it off that way. Since these occurences the room has been closed off and was not given to any new students again. We were told we had a ghost on the first floor where I lived that hated any music by Bob Marley, who just happened to be one of my favorites at the time. DOES ANYONE KNOW THE NAME OF THE FEMALE STUDENT THAT HAD THE ROOM IN THE 1980s? In the middle of the doors backside, in the wood grain, was the outline of two animal hind legs with shaggy fur and hooves. . I had a girlfriend who lived on the 4th floor of Wilson my freshman year at OU in 1998. He died in room 428 and years after that students residing in that room have said to hear strange sounds and hear footsteps as well as witnessing several objects moving by themselves on their own. Wilson Hall, also known as The Pines, was a dormitory building on the campus of Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.Built in 1926 and known before 1986 as "The Pines," The building was originally an annex to a sanatorium known as The Oxford Retreat, and was sold to the university in 1936 for use as a women's dorm. In the early 1980s, research was done on the property. I've had a hundred of these things, and I've never had one live more than a week or two Tucked in Ohio University's West Green, the red brick building is supported by tall, aging white columns and sits atop an elongated bed of green grass, with shrubs popping out systematically. It is curious that it was all enough to convince the university to actually seal the room off indefinitely, and whether it is really haunted or not, that door remains locked and its dark secrets sequestered within, whatever those may be. After that a young woman moved in to the room and was practicing astral projection that is a method in which the energy of the place is used to separate the spirit from the human body and then the spirit travels on its own. I will be staying in room 376 and if it is true I really am hoping to experience something. The resident was somewhat confused, since he was sure he knew everyone in his complex, and he had never seen this woman before. It is the building that most people point to when speaking about haunted Athens, Ohio. The pentagram myth has not been demonstrated in the case of Wilson Hall. However, there is a more sinister secret to OUs campus. . Today, residents of Wilson Hall still report seeing objects fly across rooms, doors slamming . You can also makeout a strong torso but I couldnt see the hooves you described. All of the sudden I hear my drawer in my desk slide open slowly and then SLAMMED shut. Any college worth its salt has a ghost story or two - it's a long-standing part of college lore. According to the pagan tradition, a pentagram might create safe areas free from any paranormal activity. According to the legend in the 1970s, a young man died mysteriously in room 428. Haunted Athens Asylum for the Insane, Ohio. Im not sure if there is a club or a group of students that actually go out and research these accounts. Many students report strange and unexplained happenings in the dorms in which they live on. It was early Spring, and the soft light from the fading sun barely illuminated the room. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. By the time a student graduates, its almost certain that they will have had a paranormal experience or two while living on campus. According to the pagan tradition, a pentagram might create safe areas free from any paranormal activity. http://www.athenslegends.org Anyone here willing to share their story on our podcast? At the beginning of the 1980s a newspaper researched the property in a routine examination for the institute. Similar stories or thoughts welcome @ jsmit183.js@gmail.com. http://www.geocities.com/athens/acropolis/9241/haunted.html, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/9241/hauntou.html. The Ohio University in Athens, Ohio is perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. But cool to tell my kids who are into this stuff that I lived there! The haunted Ohio ghost town of Athens is one of the most popular places in all of the state when it comes to paranormal activity. It was normal to be sleeping and hear doors slam in the hallway. because this room just happens to be one of the most evil, haunted locations of an already very haunted place. Were collecting supernatural experiences on college campuses. 3. It is said that after a . These patients often were given unethical treatment, such as forced labor, electroshock, hydrotherapy, hysterectomies, psychotropic drugs and lobotomies. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Its no secret that Ohio University is known for its famous Halloween block party every year. Athens, OH. Photo provided via Southeast Ohio History Center. I currently live in Armbruster on South Green and I think I have this same door! Mystery of The Poveglia - World's Most Haunted Island? The line that was plotted, when matched with a map, lead directly to one of the cemeteries in Athens. Ill save those for another time. Going into move-in day, Iexpected some strange things to happen, but not anything too bizarre. also, in the scariest places on earth episode the man said she had touched the stain at the ridges and the spirit followed her back to her dorm, she went mad and committed suicide. Within the first week, though, I woke up to find scratches on my body, including actual broken skin on my shoulder. and a number of stories of the surrounding areas. Voigt Hall was built in 1954 and named after Irma Voigt, Dean of Women at Ohio University from 1913 to 1949. Sightings of ghosts have been reported in the two dormitory buildings, Kohler Hall and Lang Hall. Ohio University (Athens, OH) wikimedia.org. Ohio University is the ninth oldest public university located in Athens, United States. The dorm is allegedly so haunted that the university sealed off room 428 from students. Ohio University was one of the places presented in a FOX episode of the series Scariest Places on Earth. By Ryan Lytle | Oct. 26, 2010, at 9:44 p.m. . About the Author: After touring 60 of the best colleges in Ohio, Dr. Jay, a prior faculty member and dean, founded College Bound Advantage (CBA) - a Columbus, Ohio college consulting firm. 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