Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. time and date of assassination and correspondence with time and date of Wilcott's hearing of assassination. Mr. PREYER - Thank you very much and we appreciate you and Mr. Schaap being with us today, and the hearing will stand in recess. What, on recollection, strikes me as possibly significant is that all three seemed to be exceedingly calm and relaxed, compared to the pandemonium which existed right outside their front door. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true, sir. William Weston examines the curious letters of Elzie Glaze and considers potential connections between the CIA and the Texas School Book Depository. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What was your response to this revelatic as to what Oswald's cryptonym was? Dedicated to the political vision and legacy of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X,and to the investigation of their murders. James Wilcott worked out of the Tokyo CIA station at the time of the assassination. As Rose points out, this is a bit odd also, since most of the building witnesses were taken to the sheriffs office, which was much closer to the TSBD than police headquarters. Mr. WILCOTT - From the time I left I talked at various times, especially at parties and things like that, on social occasions, with people at headquarters and with people at my station, and we would converse about it and I used to say things like, "What do you think about Oswald being connected with the CIA? Mr. WILCOTT - I resigned. That would have put it into 1964? Finally, under threats and intense harassment from Dallas Police, I was forced to flee Dallas in early 1975. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, it has been difficult because people don't want to get involved, and people were scared. SILENCED! Well, they would go through the files and take out anything that they thought was, say, indicative of how this flap occurred and change the files. Two weeks later when I made a follow-up call, Kellner said that his partner Frank Morrow vaguely remembered the letter, but could not provide any additional information. Mr. WILCOTT - Very briefly it did, yes, in what was finally published. From January of 1965 to about March of 1965, I was at Langley in the same area, in finance, policing accounts and auditing of special accounts, and I was promoted up to GS-9. Mr. CORNWELL - Had you ever run into any similar cryptonym? His duties routinely brought him in contact with all station people, and in particular with operational agents. Mr. SAWYER - Were there any other instances of harassment? Mr. WILCOTT - I was able to but I never did. Please publish modules in offcanvas position. The stark contrast in the quality of scholarship between the two books was one factor convincing him that there was a huge conspiracy behind the assassination. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir, early 1964. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you remember where this conversation took place? I do. Mr. WILCOTT - This was SNIC, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee before they became a black power group Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have any knowledge of any record of the CIA at the XXXXXXXX Station ever being destroyed out of the ordinary course of business, not as a matter of routine? Dr. King was killed by one rifle shot fired from in front of him. However, please contact me before mentioning my name to anyone. Mr. WILCOTT - Approximately two years, sir. When I got to the phone, two of the lines were lit up. Mr. WILCOTT - I don't know. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And finally, as I said at the beginning is it fair to say that you are here voluntarily today? files -- my internal files, prior to the end of the month. The book depository was in a seven-story, red brick building located at 411 Elm Street. [23], The man using the pay phone was Shelley, for in an affidavit made out that same afternoon, he said, "I went back into the building [from outside where he viewed the shooting of the president] and went inside and called my wife and told her what happened. Mr. WILCOTT - My. Mr. Shelly was Lee Harvey Oswalds supervisor at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy. Mr. WILCOTT - Not really files; it was my book. I think you are making some important allegations here, and you have been very helpful in giving some witnesses' names through which we might be able to corroborate it, but I think it is very important that we know clearly how much of this was cocktail party talk and how much was shop talk and how much was speculation and rumor and how much was hard fact. Mr. SCHAAP - Do you mean, how many people who were in the CIA or how many people in the general population? My testimony included numerous meetings with a man named Bill Shelly (I am no longer certain of the correct spelling of his last name.) Mr. CORNWELL - Has any representative of the Agency or anyone who you believed might be a representative of the Agency ever come to you and discussed these matters? [5] Examination of city directories and phone books in the Dallas Public Library shows that the book depository and the publishing companies did not have the 411 Elm Street address until 1963. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people have you spoken to that said that Oswald was an agent of the CIA, to the best of your recollection? If Shelleys claim to Glaze about his association with the CIA is true, it indicates that he was leading a double life as a schoolbook man as well as an intelligence operative. RX-ZIM. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I was on security duty, and on security duty, agents were coming in and out of the station, and I pulled a lot of security duty, three and four nights right in a row, and pulled as much as 24 hours on weekends, and an agent would come back from meeting with somebody and he would be waiting for his wife to pick him up or would be waiting for a call from one of the indigenous agents that he was running and a lot of times conversations would be talked. Mr. WILCOTT - No. The November 14, 1961 date came from Leon, Sexton branch manager in Dallas from 1961 to 1964. Mr. WILCOTT - No, I don't. . Mr. WILCOTT - George Breen was a person in Registry, who was my closest friend while I was in XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Assassinations, The subcommittee met at 10:20 a.m., pursuant to notice, in room 2344 of the Rayburn Office Building, the Honorable Richard Preyer (Chairman of the subcommittee), presiding. Mr. SAWYER - What would they say? Its also includes links to many hours of online videos you can watch on the evidence covered. There was a person, Dave, who was a Deputy Chief. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1978 . Mr. GOLDSMITH - I did not intend to get into that area. (Whereupon, a brief recess was taken.) In 1992, Congress passed the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act that placed all remaining government documents pertaining to the assassination in a special category and . Mr. SAWYER - I noticed in somne of the information we are provided you say that following your leaving the CIA in 1967 or thereabouts, for a period of some three years or so, you were harassed by the CIA and the FBI and sabotaged, as I recollect it. Confirming these observations were two more spectators, Ronald Fischer and Robert Edwards, who saw a man with light-colored hair and a light-colored open-neck shirt at a window on the fifth floor. Mr. PREYER - It had no relation to your performance? phone, and hang up, and I would get notes written in snow or my windshield and I had slips of paper left under my, windshield and this sort of thing. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And were you dismissed by the agency or did you resign? Mr. WILCOTT - XXXXXXXXXXXX George Breen, Ed Luck, and. But I was intrigued -- and it may have been in the transcription but you were in XXXXX as financial disbursement officer -- is it your testimony that you were told by a case officer that you had disbursed funds for an Oswald project? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Wilcott's Full HSCA Testimony EXECUTIVE SESSION ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT JOHN F. KENNEDY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1978 House of Representatives, John F. Kennedy Subcommittee of the Select Committee on Assassinations, Mr. CORNWELL - Had you done anything or said anything engaged in any activity which became of concern to them? He saw two white men sitting by the stairs. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, you first came across this, information in November of 1963, is that correct? About a year or two after her death, while his father was away, someone broke into the house and set it on fire, creating a furious blaze. Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And have you just described one of those instances to us? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. [6] Interviews of Joe Bergin, Jr. February 12 and 26, 1994 and August 7, 1999. Also puzzling is the manner by which they asked new employees point-blank if they were members of the CIA. Mr. GOLDSMITH - At the time you went to look at the book, Oswald was already dead is that correct? James T. Tague was an unintended victim in the Kennedy assassination, hit by a stray bullet while stuck in traffic on the way to pick up a luncheon date. The incident occurred in about 1969. Mr. WILCOTT - No. And do you know for a fact that he was given Russian courses? It has every one that I can remember. He is loved and will always be remembered by his wife Sylvia Glaze, daughter Hailey Glaze, and sister, brothers, nieces, nephews and friends. I was on the executive committee along with doctors and lawyers and some of the most respected people in the community. Below is an excerpt from Harriss letter dated December 15, 1992: Enclosed is the Bill Shelley document I read to you over the phone. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Please try again. James Wilcott worked out of the Tokyo CIA station at the time of the assassination. I spoke to groups in their homes and I spoke to groups in the Peace and Freedom Party and I was with the Peace and Freedom Party for several years. [22] Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 74. And during that period, I had been promoted, GS-7 and also gained a career status. She & her husband left Dallas shortly afterward. Mr. WILCOTT - I can't remember, sir. According to former CIA finance officer James B. Wilcott's testimony before the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), Lee Harvey Oswald "was a regular employee, receiving a full-time salary for agent work, for doing CIA operational work." Support JFK Facts Here's how you can help: He was still living on Tatum Avenue at the time of the assassination. Here, by your own testimony, you were supportive of the President, and certainly the most significant tragedy, I think, probably in the last 15 years or 20 years was the assassination of President Kennedy, and you are told by some who worked for the Agency that Oswald was a CIA agent and you already were dissatisfied with the actions of the Agency and you are told this in 1964 and yet it takes four, years, or two years, after you had left the Agency, recognizing the tremendous import and significance of that, and I am terribly confused as to why you decided to keep that information to yourself and to your wife. Mr. CORNWELL - Perhaps I can rephrase the question and get more pointedly what I need without running into the problem that you see. Mr. DODD - Just one second, then. Mr. CORNWELL - Why did you leave the CIA? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Please publish modules in offcanvas position. I was scared until the Carter Administration. Yet judging by the disgust in his voice when he said at the police station Im just a patsy, he probably did not know that he would be the one accused of killing the president. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And you have had access to the cash disbursement files at XXXXXXXXXXXXX Station? There was a problem loading your book clubs. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Mr. GOLDSMITH - excuse me, just answer the question very generally, without referring to anything right now, and please describe generally what your responsibilities were as a finance officer. Conditions at home and at work put a severe strain on Joes parents. From June of 1964 to about December of 1964, I was at Roseland. In addition, all of my interview notes and tapes inexplicably disappeared. CIA might handled any projects involving Oswald and for what purpose they might have used Oswald? Mr. WILCOTT - I think it must have been two or three omths (sic) after the assassination. They told me that I had passed both of those. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I would get calls and they would say "We know all about you," shooting a machine gun into the I talked to reporters from various papers, and I talked to people in other forms of meetings, and to me it is not surprising at all. During this same time, I also met and spoke with relevant employees who later worked for Lee Harvey Oswalds supervisor after the assassination of President Kennedy. Although he left in December 1973, he was certain that the musician who disappeared in Dallas was not among the core members of the band. Upon exiting the elevator, he saw a short hallway. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And who made these references to Oswald being an agent of the CIA? Mr. CORNWELL - And would that -- at least in part --. Mr. PREYER - That was shop talk, speculation, I gather; people were saying that the CIA is somehow connected with it. This is more than just an investigative report. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, then, really, no purpose would have been served by checking those records? The CIA and the JFK Assassination. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have a personal opinion as to how or for what purpose the CIA might have handled any projects that involved Lee Harvey Oswald? Since then, he has written numerous articles on the subject for various periodicals, including The Fourth Decade, Dealey Plaza Echo, and Probe. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, is your testimony then that even though. He was still there when Garner retired in 1986. Mr. GOLDSMITH - What is the name of the book? Why would men who had just shown their FBI identification badges suspect that new employees were concealing the fact that they too were connected to an intelligence agency? The two new employees were administered a written questionnaire asking about their opinions of current topics of the day, especially social issues. Which seems to be an odd premise, especially since, as Jerry Rose pointed out in his article, Important to Hold that Man there were at least 14 people missing from the building at the time; and they would not return until 1:30 PM. I discussed it with my friends and the people that I was associating with socially. I found it very, very difficult to talk about these things that I think ought to be talked about, very difficult. He is about to publish his book and, as you can understand, friendship and loyalty make me reluctant to discuss this matter with anyone else. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - Jerry Fox, SR Branch, Reid Dennis, Chief of Soviet Satellite Branch; and XXXXXXXXXX, China Branch, and he also had a cover. His information was that he had been unwitt. Mr. CORNWELL - To your knowledge, when was the first point in time at which your extra-agency discussions on this subject matter came to the attention of the Agency, if ever? It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Mr. DODD - As a point of information, are people who work within the Agency fairly careful in their language in describing what the category of certain people are who work for the Agency? Mr. WILCOTT - Well, they were such incidents as the FBI agent that was working with a group -- and this was an established fact that this person was an FBI agent and that he wa working with the group that I was working with an antiwar group and, to my mind, there is a very great likelihood that this person was there to neutralize me, as the CIA term went. Mr. CORNWELL - What group was it? Joe died on August 29, 2001 at the age of 55. Also at this location were the office suites of eight schoolbook publishing companies, including Scott Foresman, Southwestern, Macmillan, and McGraw-Hill. That would be William Shelley, who Oswald worked under for six weeks as an order filler for the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). Mr. WILCOTT - No, I didn't. Mr. WILCOTT - I think the most significant thing that can be actually substantiated is the circumstances surrounding my employment with the community renewal program in Utica, and I was the finance analyst for the community renewal program in Utica. He also claimed he had disbursed cash funds for Oswald or The Oswald Project. After his interview and testimony he was claims he was harassed by the federal government and put under surveillance. Mr. WILCOTT - Most of the people were involved in the civil rights movement or in the antiwar movement in 1968. Mr. SAWYER - Are there any others that you can specifially identify as coming from the CIA or FBI? It doesn't have every one. Mr. PREYER - I believe you have written an article about this, an unpublished article. [23] William Weston, Robert MacNeil and the Three Calm Men, in the November 1994 issue of The Fourth Decade. As many JFK researchers know, James Wilcott was a CIA accountant from May 1957 through April 1966. After completing the questionnaire, the two F.B.I. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, that was just those that were assigned to XXXXXX and those projects that were assigned to XXXXXXXX. Mr. WILCOTT - Not to my knowledge. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, sir, I think of an agent as an actual employee of the Agency; we called them indigenous agents XX XXXXXX who were agents that were on a regular salary by the case officer who was running an agent, and then there were a lot of one-time informers or maybe one- or two- or three-time informers that were paid like maybe $50 or so to attend a meeting of a political party or something of that nature. (sic) One of the aforementioned employees (whose name I cannot recall) stated that when she went to work for Bill Shelly at the school book depository in the early 1970s she was interviewed for the job by some type of government agents who asked if she had been recruited by the F.B.I. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. [12], A suggestion of smuggling activities within the TSBD comes in the form of boxes too large to be practical containers of books. [7] Through some insider intrigue, a saleslady at Neiman Marcus found out what Jacqueline Kennedy was going to wear the day of her arrival in Dallas. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true. Butler said that the 411 Elm Street building was vacant for at least a year after his company moved out. Mr. GOLDSMITH - But as a matter of routine, would the CIA cash disbursement files refer to the cryptonym of either the person or the project that is receiving funds? Mr. CORNWELL - What did they say along those lines? We had accountings, or we had audits about every two years, and then then files that I kept the requests for advances, the details of the accountings that were done usually on a monthly basis by the XXXXX Station Branches, would be destroyed and then they would be -- and, in fact, I helped destroy them. I asked her if the new building was near the intersection of Royal Lane and Interstate 35, and she said yes, on Gemini Lane. The John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Espaol Fall 2017, Vol. Mr. SAWYER - He was in Utica also? If it is true that Shelley was affiliated in some way with CIA or U.S. intelligence, that would be a disturbing and potentially significant development.[10]. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - It has been 15 years, and I can't remember specifically who said what, but certainly I am sure that Jerry Fox, for instance, had at least made some mention of it. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were you ever able to check those particular files? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - It was my Request for Advance Book. Mr. DODD - at that time? heard it, that was not the first occasion on which you had seen it or heard it? I was in too much of a hurry to remember what the three men looked like. These ebooks can only be redeemed by recipients in the US. There was talk about it going on at the station, and several months following at the station. Mr. WILCOTT - Particularly George Breen and XXXXXXXXX to a lesser extent. Shelleys second claim was that he joined the CIA. Mr. WILCOTT - It is a little bit east of Oakland, California. Considering the noise of gun blasts and the uproar going on outside, it is odd that Oswald continued to be unconcerned. When I interviewed him, he was living alone with his three cats, depending for his income on the charity of his father and disability checks. This book provides the first useful, in-depth analysis of the 120 phone calls by LBJ in the week following the assassination regarding such items as the Civil Rights Act, demands made by the military and similar political power plays. Their apartment looked as if no one had ever lived in it. Mr. CORNWELL - Your best memory is, you wrote it on a note paid, is. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. About four or five years after the assassination, she said, Scott Foresman and another publisher called Southwestern decided to sever ties with the Texas School Book Depository. GLAZE, Elzie Dean Age 66, is celebrated by his family for his compassion, humor and willingness to help family, friends and the world at large. [30] In that same article Rose writes that Shelly was one of the building employees who identified Oswald for the police when he was brought in to the station. Mr. WILCOTT - The details approximately two years. Mr. DODD - And she was aware of it from 1964 up until 1968 -- Something went wrong. It must have been puzzling to Glaze, as it is to us reading his letters, why a government agency would be providing security for a privately-owned company. Mr. WILCOTT - I heard references to it the day after, the assassination. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Are you saying, then, that the cash disbursement files as a matter of routine would be periodically destoryed? At the end of. The mayor, Mr. Sawyer, was Dominic Casaro. She said that there is a whole lot more to tell about the TSBD than what has been publishedthat the whole building should be suspected as more or less of a safe base to operate from that day in November 1963.[9]. First of all I apologize for having to run in and out during your testimony and some of this you may have already covered; and, if you have, then I will not proceed with it. Those are discussions with people who gave the indication that there was every certainty that Oswald was an agent of CIA, runout of XXXXXXX Station, and that he was freed from Russia there in the final courses in Russia and was trained by CIA people at Atsugi. Mr. DODD - And the information given you occurred sometime three months after the actual assassination. Afterwards, Joe visited him in his office and could hardly believe the change that came over him. Also Present: Elizabeth Berning, Chief Clerk, and Charles Berk, Betsy Wolf and James Wolf. [5] Interviews of Ted Leon and Thomas H. Butler. However, if you received this information two or three months after the assassination, at a time that Oswald was already dead and had been dead for two or three months, what purpose would have been served by checking records that were only 30 days old? Mr. WILCOTT - It is based on the principle that only those persons who are involved in a project or involved in operation -- and even things that would not seem to be at all in any way secret -- only those people should know about, it and nobody else should know about it, and that was a "need-to-know" basis As far as I know, the unknown Dallas author who interviewed has not published his book. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So that they would be routinely destroyed at the time of auditing? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir; he was described to me as an, agent and I was led to believe, from the conversations that he was an agent. Please excuse this messy letter. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people in the CIA? Mr. CORNWELL - At what point in time did your discussions outside of the Agency first become a matter of publication in a newspaper or magazine or on television? Mr. WILCOTT - They called me up to chief of security, the agent security, and they interviewed me on the association that I had had with the group, and then they gave me a polygraph -- in fact, two polygraphs -- concerning my association with the group of people that I met with the group. Mr. DODD - When you decided to release that information? Mr. SAWYER - What was the name of the FBI agent who you think infiltrated this antiwar group? The memo said that Oswalds FBI informant number was S172 and that his CIA number was 110669. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. DL 100-10461. There is a very large spider guarding this web of secrecy. Like Frazier, who was eating lunch in the basement, Oswald went to the first-floor lunchroom to eat his lunch. House of Representatives, John F. Kennedy Subcommittee of the Select Committee on Assassinations, Washington, D. C. (Whereupon, at 12:55 p.m. the subcommittee recessed. Disbursement files as a matter of routine would be routinely destroyed at time. 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