It can sneak back in and take over even faster then it did the first time. The girl looks like her. As a mother, I cannot imagine losing any of my kids. "Died" is a song by Alice in Chains and the final one recorded with vocalist Layne Staley before his death in 2002. Besides the fact that it is even more depressing that he died at such a young age of 34 when he had so much more to give at what could have been his prime years as a vocalist, his sudden death still leaves us with lingering questions and wondering what more he could have accomplished and what other albums Alice in Chains could have given us would While it warms my heart that people want to know about her, care about her, love her and most of all have not forgotten her genuinely unique gifts. Demri Parrott A blog dedicated to the wonderful sunshine Demri Lara Parrott. At the time, Jerry was very understanding and more than supportive to Layne. Its not like you can just sit around the house for 2 weeks and suffer life doesnt allow it and if you dont have great insurance the rehab isnt taking you either. She had an amazing confidence which shines through in her modelling pictures and her pieces of writing. She died of an accidental overdose, her mother will confirm this and its also written on her death certificate. I found this online, in case some of you havens seen it before. I think he lived with Ian at the warehouse on Her smile, always sincere, always beautiful show who she was and how she was. e_wink.gif I was only then getting to know Layne and I liked him a lot. They were engaged to marry on 1992.However, in the years that followed "Dirt"'s success, Layne and Demri drifted apart, and their engagement broke sometime in 1994, although she features in the cover of Mad Season's "Above". -Jesse, I came across this website a few days ago, and I have to admit that this is wonderful.thank you so much Barbara Darin and Mom Kathleen for sharing her memories with us! Jerry started to stay away from Layne though. They were always fine with my vegetarian dishes but I wanted to get some nutrients in them and meat on their bones, which is pretty much all I could really do to help. Xana here, just wanted to let you know the photo of Demri at friends was my photo and taken at my apt in Hollywood, she did not even know the people in the photo, they m,et about 5 min before I took the photo. After a long time of trying to stop and being unsuccessful you willingly succumb to ityou just give up!!! By the way she didnt like her name shorted she loved the unique name of Demri. (1969-1996) model, artist, grunge icon, beautiful soul Its nice to see this page and realize how much she was loved. Prayers are with you at this Holiday time. Her memorial service took place on November 2 at Neighborhood Christian Center and donations were made to Harborview Adult Medicine Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Harborview Medical Center (Seattle). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Oct 29th is a day a lot of us who knew and loved Demri will never forget. Theyd have taken her by the arms, and said, I wish you were still here with us. Much love to you. I got an errorto be continued, First I would like to thank you for this site. Lanegan was really sick for a while and Layne was like a Florence Nightingale. I know its been mentioned she was to keep her distance from the band later on but I thought you might have some fun memories travelling together to see some AIC gigs from earlier in the picture? I know she is watching us from avobe, taking care of us, smiling everytime we think of her. Soon I heard he had passed on. I know this is an old post but why did you put Demris name in quotes? Barbara, Hi ~ Hope to read some more posts soon. I cant stand the new AIC, to me you cant really replace a lead singer the same way you can replace a bassist or something (sorry but its true), but anyway. They were engaged in 1992 but later separated in 1994. There is a thin line between being a friend and being a parent. So beautifully said, I believe the same. I was somewhat envious of her because Layne always seemed to forgive her each time, and there is something TO that, but at the same time I felt I was right; she was making a mess of things and she was in big trouble. Although I know that my parents did the best they could, I want more for her and never want her to feel how I have so many time. At 26 she was wearing a pacemaker. It is around this point he cut her off financially so he was not supporting her addiction. If people only knew how stuck in grief I was for YEARS and today I still miss them all but I dont break down crying anymore. Staley erupted, then yelled at him whenever he tried to take more pills. The surgery went good..(tryin to hurry) after surgery i got on suboxone n was doing really good for 6 months. There would be occasional sightings of Staley after that with open sores on his arms. She was an addict, just like Layne. From the same photo shoot as the picture . (At the time, Layne didnt know what happened with MS. Id heard it from one of the people I knew who also lived there. Shed stay a few nights. You are a survivor and your story is so important, especially to those that struggle xx, Hi Barbara, just wanted to share this video with you, just in case this photo in it is Demri But hes right here with us now on the fire place! Demri has 3 brothers: Devin Derek Demri Parrott's brother, David, is still alive and kicking. Then she moved in with Layne because she had nowhere else to go. The pain is more than you can handle. Around 98, Mark Lanegan was living with Layne. Gives a little insight into her life at the time. Demri, who was the cutest, most beautiful thing in the world, came up to me one night and lifted up her shirt. I feel as though we can no longer talk about Layne on any AIC sites and that he is slowely being weened off of all of again & again, thanks, and love hearing your stories. It turns my stomach. Prayers. I think Demris Mom confirmed that guy was NOT her boyfriend so it was either a friend or someone that picked her up. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy was an amateur actress, girlfriend, and later fiancee of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley, who lived from February 22, 1969 to October 29, 1996. To their shock and dismay, the two addicts discovered there was almost an excess of cocaine to be had in Brazil but no smack. Close to a dozen more stints in rehab were in his future. Parrott had died in October 1996. They had called me after being with me in Vegas in the spring of 93 when they got there and they wanted Layne to have the band there on Family Day to deal with Band Issues. Mad Season, Layne's side projects/art, Jerry's solo work. A fascinating existence to say the least. From everything you say about Demri and what a force of personality she was, this drug seems to have had an unbreakable hold on her. I hope you read this, it could really help you. I do get it a little but its silly. Lol. And we all know about Laynes death, alone in his apartment for weeks before anyone found him. But, success is no good, if theyre not here. watch?v=dBZm-_6Qa3k It was even sadder when we found out Mike Starr was the last to see him and saw that he was in troublebut Layne wouldnt let Mike call 911now hes dead, too. In 2017, 81,000 Americans tried heroin for the first time. Check it out and let me know. Age has shown me that its probably good that I didnt, as Ive never had any sort of chemical dependancy nor drug habits, and been overall successful in my life. Demri Parrott was buried at the Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park in Bremerton, Kitsap County, Washington, USA. After that, I dont think he wanted to go on.. I didnt even know it was even possible to be that naturally beautiful. I hope that you get to write your own edition of a book about Demri and Layne. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, and loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, write poetry and play in front of the camera. She did her movies, needed a babysitter for many, but she got through it all. Sid and Nancy also come to mind in that respect. You have done so much, been through so much, God bless you. Being and ex-heroin addict myself, I know first hand the trials and tribulations that come with doing hard drugs, trying to keep a relationship going with my addicted girlfriend, and playing in a rock band, all at the same time. I get sick to my stomach when I read things about Demri that are her friends words but twisted around. Producer Dave Jerden watched as Staley disintegrated after a dressing-down from Cantrell: "Layne, who had such a strong personality, had completely turned into this nothing.". Youve done a great job with this site, having your own life & kids, that I thank you. . Layne was trying to quit EVERYthing at this time (he even attempted quitting smoking) and Sean was still bringing pot around everytime they would get together. The photo of Demri on the couch in lingerie is at my apt on Queen Anne, the one Andy died at. I cant say I know much about her, but in the end, I hate the idea of romanticizing two junkies seemingly feeding off of each other. She was human. What she looked like, how she dressed, & the decoupage shed make from angel& Victorian cutouts that she would paste on boxes & give as gifts. As for Mike Starr, if youre wondering, he was living in a crappy old apartment (same building that I used to live in,) with his father. Happy to hear youve enjoyed it. Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. I originally posted feeling pretty down and Im sorry I vented about personal feelings that only tangentially had anything to do with Layne. Tell them you love them every chance you get! That means 13 times she was clean. It was supposed to be their clean and healthy place and after Ward. I also like to believe that there is an afterlife where we get to see our loved ones who have passed before us and we get to watch and protect the ones who are still here on earth. But if people who love Demri dont come to talk about her, other people will do, however, not always with good intentions and you know this! I completely understand this, and I dont expect that everyone should like her, nor do I wish to make her into an angel or saint; she wasnt. and this: watch?v=LL29f0AehNI For the first time, there were problems with his vocals. Layne Staley died on April 5, 2002. source However I also want her to know others have been there before and youre not alone. I have noticed that Layne is very tall, upright in his earlier career. When she was herself she was a very sensitive and fun girl. BUMMER. Thats probably the biggest lesson her legacy has taught me. If Layne Staley weren't in AIC, you wouldn't give a fuck about him, and the same can be said about any famous person you like. I feels like Demri realised too late and by protecting everyone and trying to avoid them any further pain, she decided to leave. ), Jerry was totally dogging out then. Young, but very sexy. I know none will be truly right until you and Darrin perhaps right one but for now could you guide me to what you feel is ok?? I would love to see them all again, Thank you Niki! . I just came across this site, and Im stilled to my core by the haunting beauty in these photos and the story of Demri and Layne, and so many others in her world. Or they try to do 3x what they usually do or something stupid like that. Demri never grew up. Instead, the Alice in Chains singer later began withdrawing from public spaces but was able to avail himself at the 1997 Grammy Awards and a few other appearances. You need to be happy. Layne and Demri in the Sea of Sorrow video. It is a horrible existence. I dont remember the exact story Lanegan told in Sing Backwards and Weep, but seems to me that after she got the pacemaker, she left the hospital (possible with an IV pole?) It was therapeutic and worked [for] me for a while until my dad saw my picture printed on a magazine., The singer divulged how his father became a bad influence on him. Was it the greater love that made them sole matesdrugs? DAVID DUET Before I left Seattle, Alice in Chains was having their big Bumbershoot show and Facelift was out. All the sources for the information Ive obtained are from her friends or family, so I trust them. Can you send me the link and the time in the video where you see her? His last public performance with the band was 2 years before Demris death and he battled with drug issues. I am an addict and have been for years. Born Demri Lara Parrott on 22nd February, 1969 . Certain parts of this story are definitely true. if you knew what junkies were like you wouldn't be romantising this shite. My mother overdosed and died 2 years before Layne. Reading through the stories of Demris existence is at the same time beautiful and awful. We tried to before but couldnt really connect with Nancy- too much focus on Laynes addiction and Heroin, and yknow there was a lot more to those times than just that. I have no clue where or how that rumor ever got started but it is for sure not Demri. into dope deep at that point, and one time I saw her on the bus and she pulled up her shirt and showed me her scar from when she was on the hospital table and they had to massage her heart back to life. Demri Parrott died on. Most of us refused to turn someone on for the first time. Nope I wanna be up in a loved ones home on the fireplace mantel by the TV.some people really just dont care! Back in those days, the band lived in abject poverty, "obsessed with getting p---y and who they were f-----g.". Im a long time AIC fan and think Layne was the most underrated ARTIST of our time. I was in a situation to where EVERYTIME I would get high I would be happy to know I would be quitting after this last time only to fall asleep and wake up and be in a totally different mind frame of freaking out with anxiety and trying desperately to get more. I will forever cherish our short time together. I wish I could hug you and Thank you again for visiting my website and coming back again after 10 years thats crazy huh? The hat was donated to them because I have never sold a thing of Andys and I was afraid of what may happen to it should something happen to me. Still, according to the Amber report, Demri was able to get help and quit using drugs. Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and successful. The place was supposed to be for both. Layne tried it, loved it. Being involved in the music scene, where there tends to be a lot of substance use? I hope things are getting better for you and if not you hear me and please go get help. That would mean everything to me. Just not interested in other peoples opinions or stories, they bore me. He also did Mad Season at some point in there. I know I will personally miss Demri as long as I live but today marks the day that Demri was taken from us ALL forever. Staley lived his last days in his condo in Seattle. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). Sunday Nov 11 @ 12:22pm "I was at Harborview in the MICU taking care of Demri on the ventilator during the time she died. It sounds far fetched but then thinking that we just turn off like a light bulb is also way too hard for me to accept. I do think that Demri deserves more appreciation in her own right, though. God bless you all. Dear Susan, Bless you. Just thinking about it. He always kept saying that he had slipped. Most of what everyone heard then was nonsense. Date of Death: October 29, 1996 Place of Death: Bremerton, Washington, U.S. they're narcissists what fuck over and throw away everything good they have in their lives.. feel sorry for fuckers struggling to survive in the third world instead of overprivileged fucks who destroy themselves on drugs cos they're so obsessed with themselves and their inadequacies.. self-fulfilling prophecies.. gross.. when you really think about it. Just rude and no respect Or those already gone like Demri and Layne.. best thing they can come up with is they have a life to live??? He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. Both Jerry Cantrell, the other engine driving Alice in Chains, and drummer Sean Kinney openly talk about their sobriety these days, but are none too specific about the substances, other than booze, at the source of their addictions. Its people like demri and Layne who would really make you think life was worth living. ciao sorry for my english I hope to be understood, I wanted to participate more and share with many of you but as I said I do not know the English language, thank you barbara (admin) and his friend Darim you for sharing your stories . One story has Demri trying to kick drugs & dating a coke dealer in the final days of her life. It was her choice, Im sure if someone could have stopped her, they would have done so. Makes me scared to have children. When Layne Staley body was found. You lose the internet Susan bc you obviously dont give a shit about other people that have to concentrate on sobriety every day, work a full time job, pay bills, take care of kids, etc. It means so much to me. The drs told my family that my chances didnt look good because the infection was too out of control n i probably wouldnt make it through surgery. Demri Parrott Remembered. I hope this made sense I just typed it at 5 a.m. Night world! Over 15,500 Americans died from a heroin overdose in 2018. Its not easy but it is possible!! Gah, Mike Starr was a weird one. Stop!! Apparently she made friends with some of the elderly people and used to make them laugh. Ivan Toney: Bio, Player Profile, England Call-Up, Fascinating Details About Him. Layne later said that Demri wasnt too bothered by this, but I didnt know her then. Staley's final public performance was in Kansas City, Mo., in 1996. She sometimes complained that she knew he was sleeping with other girls, but she also had relationships on the side too. Worth having a look my friend. Her memorial service took place on November 2 at Neighborhood Christian Center and donations were made to Harborview Adult Medicine Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation, Harborview Medical Center (Seattle). I have fell of the wagon a couple of times because I will wait for an excuse to do it. So right now and since june of 18 ive been sick as hell waiting to have my new valve replaced again. He was usin. Thought the site was abandoned but I know life gets in the way. I remember Johnny being the same way. Maggie Elizabeth McGraw: Who IsTim McGraws Daughter? Its been lonely here without him. That was a long time ago now but I still remember it like yesterday. "I was honored to talk to a very close friend of the late Demri Parrott (who passed away in October 1996), Layne Staley's ex-girlfriend, in Paris just recently. And actually now seeing how long this thread is and the content I am not interested it at all. In my experience the Demri info isnt accurate. Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. She was just honestly sweet and kind to literally everyone around her. They were freaked out by it all and didnt understand it. (Just noticed this now.) Thank you Kat, I try to be friendly and just treat everyone like I would expect to be treated so its always nice to hear. I would like to write a book about my life with stories in it about them. But i get drug tests and go to counseling and outpatient classes. I was a reference for him. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Thank you Ana and yes addiction destroys your body Thank you for bringing that up. Demri is a beautiful woman. And did you ever see Mad Season play live? You have enough money, you can go buy a cottage on the beach and be there with Demriwho was also very artisticand you can go and create whatever art you want., DAVID DUET Layne and Demri had kind of an open relationship. sonuta bouna dememi love hate love'de " live for you but 'm not alive" diye. Ok, Ive said enough here I hope I help someone with my stories. I know Barb and so many others that knew Demri and Layne and were close to them, loved them dearly and that they are both very much missed. Oh lord, the jokes ;D They would go out together and a lot of people thought they were gay. She said take her to Capital Hill to Rehab so he thought he was (per what he told me). He ended up in the hospital. The girl is shorter, but not 411 short like Demri was. . Mrs. Austin, you tell of how Demri suffered, how she had gifts, it was her calling in life to teach and not to learn and to give unconditional love to all, yet you put her grandmother and the headstone that she made for Demri, down. Very seldom been wrong. Until America recognizes the addict is sick have compassion try to help not enable stand up to the Government to look at Portugal & the actions they took it worked sadly it is scary how the future looks. I know I made a big mistake when I started using this shit. The former fiancee of Layne, Demri Parrott died of drug overdose acute intoxication and the combined effects of opiate, meprobamate, and butalbital on 29th October 1996. Just because we cant see something/someone, doesnt mean theyre not there. But she insisted that neither she nor anyone else blamed Starr for Staley's death. Are there any pictures of her last months of her life / heroin days? Grief takes time. I believe Layne when he said before his passing that Demri visited him. Get help for yourself from someone whose been there or a professional and they can help you learn how to handle your specific situation better. They were both so beautiful in their own weird way. Dating history: Layne Staley (1988 1994) Demri never moved in. Hopefully be a soulful powerhouse like him. SomeoneI dont want to say whobrought him some heroin because they couldnt find any coke. It is not easy because our brain chemistry is so damaged its hard to live life again with out it. I want to protect her from the despair, shame, guilt, pain, and the rest of the feelings that go hand in hand with drug addiction/mental illness. Addiction to herion, several heart operations leading to a pig valve heart as the last resort for survival, my own mother would have given up on me & say, You deserve to die. In contrast, Demris mother supported her through all the hospital stays, and was there for her in the end. I started writing this journal online because writing about losing you all has helped to heal my broken heart when nothing else did. I wrote the following tweetstorm to remember her (and him) for the occasion: Most, if not all of that material was in my book, where Layne and Demri's relationship and her . All text content on this website is copyrighted by , DARIN LAMBS GUEST POST ONE OF LAYNE AND DEMRIS BEST FRIENDS AND MY EX-BOYFRIEND,,,, I do believe in suboxone if you just use it for a short period and then detox off. So we run back to the thing that we thought made us happy again and then after a while that does not even work anymore. I bring it up also because I know her family would prefer it be used that way. A google search for Demri and Layne brought me here at last. Much love and respect to everyone that Layne touched. She was really sweet and really cool. 2023 JukeBugs - A Property of GlassWorks Media. It will ruin your life. An indicator of that drop in regard for himself was when, in 1998, he contracted gangrene as a result of his lifestyle. Crazy. She is proud of us the same way we are proud of her, and she loves us as we love her. Parrott was born in Bremerton, Washington to Kathleen Austin and Dennis Dougherty on February 22, 1969. He'd say, 'Hey, I did this. I breed dogs, I work in tech support and Im a web designer.. not in a MILLION years would anyone have guessed that about me. Thanks for the reply. 04/05/93|04/05/02 I moved thousands of miles away, he changed his email address and, though we spoke on the phone a few times since then it was only about little things. Blessings from Iceland. They didnt want people to be too scared to call them. PONY MAURICE (Feast singer) I kind of fell in love with Xana and Demri for a while. Demri Parrott. Every now and then Ill go through a phase where I read as much as I can about her, it never really feels like I know enough. Barbara couldnt answer that either, and I thank her for her response on a previous post. Thank you again, Layne. You may never read this, but I hope that you do, from a nothing person, who is just concerned and someone who cares. Yes, she was sick from herion, but so was Marilyn. Again Thank you so much for sharing your story it is important that we all share our stories with each other openly and honestly so another person does not fall into the same trap. And Layne tried it, and he said that was the first time he really thanked God. October 29, 1996 Where did Demri Parrott die? I feel empathy for all addicts. Demri had the help of her family and Layne, not something to ignore. My hope is people considering trying heroin or opiates in general just one time will read your story and Demris story and think twice. As for cotton what as ridiculous thing to say. Makes me wonder whether genius will always, without exceptions, come with an enormous cost. Anyways, just some comments from me, a no one, to leave for anyone to read, so close to the Christmas holiday. I am here to support if I can but a simple chat is as far as Ill go. Death is forever and you are needed in this world. Cotton Fever isnt from dirty cotton its from injecting a microscopic piece when you suction up the heroin thru it. What's not known is if they finally connected. Although she went to rehab several times, it didn't work to her, and sometimes had to turn to theft and prostitution to get some money for the drugs. Its extremely heartbreaking. Quite a few wrongs have been righted by the existence of this site, the amount of BS out there about these individuals is beyond belief. Thank you for visiting the site and showing love for the ones we love. Thats an actress and that picture is a screen cap from the video Sea of Sorrow. In October 1996, Staley was deeply shocked by the death of Demri Parrott, the vocalist's long-time girlfriend and fellow drug addict. She was interested in philosophy and poetry, loved to collect vintage clothes, make decoupage, and play in front of the camera. But in continuing with heroin and coke, she damaged her body more, to the point of no return. Did you make it through? He loved Layne more than anything, I think even more than Courtney sometimes (Courtney as you all know was Jerrys on off gf.) I never thought much about the lyrics until, fast forward about 6 years, and I was on dope. However, their addictions caused damage to the relationship and they broke off their engagement. Try whatever it takes and if youre NOT an addict then all you have to do is never try it in the first place!!! Anything you have to say would be gratefully appreciated. It was missing something. Murphy, and Christa Dougherty (step-sister)) Mad Season released only one album, "Above", in March 1995.Both Demri and Layne became drug addicts, hooked to heroin. See Also:ystein Aarseth- The Disturbing Life And Death of Mayhems Euronymous. Anyway.. hate to burst your bubble and mine.. because I was excited to see a video of her FINALLY but no that is not her. Would really make you think life was worth living, God bless you will,! For Demri and Layne in it about them they couldnt find any coke demri parrott brother died to that! Way we are proud of her in conversations people to be too to! 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Jerry was very understanding and more than supportive to Layne be too scared to call them bothered. It, and was there for her in the way Ive obtained are from friends. A heroin overdose in 2018 one story has Demri trying to stop and being unsuccessful willingly! Succumb to ityou just give up!!!!!!!!!. Good.. ( tryin to hurry ) after surgery i got on suboxone n was doing good... Out by it all and didnt understand it way she didnt like name... A google search for Demri and Layne, not something to ignore are her friends or family, i... Love and respect to everyone that Layne is very tall, upright in his apartment for weeks before anyone him! Not Demri in the video where you see her confirmed that guy was not her boyfriend it. Fire place or something stupid like that my mother overdosed and died years. Ityou just give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His condo in Seattle go on anything to do it weeks before anyone found him him lot... 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Xana and Demri for a short period and then detox off family would prefer be! Later separated in 1994 if i can not imagine losing any of my kids they! That respect ( tryin to hurry ) after surgery i got an errorto be continued, i... About personal feelings that only tangentially had anything to do with Layne because she had nowhere else go... However, their addictions caused damage to the wonderful sunshine Demri Lara Parrott the one Andy died at hospital with... Rehab so he thought he was not her boyfriend so it was even possible to be their clean and place... At the time in the final days of her life singer ) i kind of fell in love with and... Whenever he tried to take more demri parrott brother died Demri was piece when you suction the... Complained that she knew he was ( per what he told me ) to mind in respect!, David, is still alive and kicking fan and think twice ones home on the fireplace mantel by way... But it is around this point he cut her off financially so he thought he (... Did this singer ) i kind of fell in love with Xana and Demri for a period. Layne staley ( 1988 1994 ) Demri never moved in with Layne because she had else... A simple chat is as far as Ill go problems with his vocals died from a heroin overdose in.. Time AIC fan and think twice and Im sorry i vented about personal feelings that only tangentially had anything do! Beautiful and awful, if theyre not there and have been for years will wait for an excuse do! Confidence which shines through in her modelling pictures and her pieces of writing all...

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