Now why would you want your baby to be smoking? Rising, whose Centering Healthcare Institute has worked with major medical schools across the country, flew down to Madisonville to help Todd-Langston and Almon start the prenatal program there. Today most of the time the superstitions are said in a joking manner. Hundreds of prescription medications, as well as chewing tobacco and cigarettes, cause dry mouth, preventing the natural flow of saliva and making teeth more susceptible to decay. Drinking more than a soda a day raises the risk that acids found in many soft and energy drinks will eat away at your tooth enamel and its pearly white color. Then when she did all these things [in the group] I said, Thats wonderful! "Belle, I swear to God, it snowed eleven inches today," my dad sighed. "Mountain Dew" is a centuries-old mountain slang term for moonshine, which Tennessee-bred creators Barney and Ally Hartman found fitting because their bubbly elixir was initially crafted as a . The journal comes out twice a year and has been a tradition of inspired writing since 1876. Harry Caudill, . Required fields are marked *. In the special, the term was used as a catchall phrase to describe the poor dental health of children in Appalachia, due to the abundance of sugary drinks. At the top of Pats back, near his neck was a tattoo that read honkey. I was pretty convinced I was spending my evening with Caudills dullards. Over the course of two days, among the reclining chairs and portable dental equipment that had been erected on the civic center floor, 116 dentists provided $1 million worth of care to 1,165 patients, many of whom had traveled across state lines to endure long lines and the bitter cold as they waited for treatment. Statewide, Kentuckys PTB rate was 12.6 percent. I saw him pick up and throw several chairs and then punch a friend in the face. As Healthline tells us, the sugar in sodas reacts with the bacteria in our mouths to form a dangerous acid, breaking down the protective layers in your teeth and causing cavities. Old recipes passed down keep traditions alive, but more coveted. Each weekend, local residents can be found drinking and have a good time while riding around on these trails with All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) also known as 4-wheelers. The distinction between dental care and health care extends to insurance. New book takes on, and takes down, Appalachian Trump Country narratives and elegies, Hillbilly Elegy: Another generalization of Appalachia. Before pursuing that lofty goal he was a lawyer, which is where he got the source material for Mountain Dew. Appalachian English is a term linguists use to describe the speech patterns of people in Appalachia. Nationally, the rate of infant mortality was 211.1 per 100,000, but it was higher in five of six southern Appalachian states (all except Tennessee). He mentions his aunt, who had an early abusive marriage, and his mother. While you may think of " Appalachia " as a region of the southern United States, the full Appalachian Mountains have a massive (not to . Nearlyhalf of the people in Kentucky, and 25 percent of the national population, depend exclusively on well water, posing a threat tonatural resources as well as peoples teeth. As the wealth gap continues to increase, teeth represent the dividing line between the classes. The other meaning of the name is 'a wise man'. By the end of the programs second year, the research results began to come in on the health of the newborns. Perhaps most shocking was how poor the womens general oral health was at the start of the study. To compensate for the cracked molar on the left side of her mouth, she had simply learned to chew on the right side. For Appalachians, a sense of place and of home seem particularly important, yet from the 1940s to 1960s, an estimated seven million immigrated north into urban areas in search of work, only to be met with widespread prejudice against any Appalachian-speaking mountain speech. Medicaid, the joint federal-state health care program that provides health coverage for 72 million people, reckons dental benefits as optional for adults, leaving it up to states to decide. (The city of Cincinnati saw fit to make it illegal to discriminate against someone of Appalachian origin). The maternal death rate in southern Appalachia was 12.7 per 100,000 births, compared with rates of 15.1 per 100,000 for the entire rural United States and 16.3 per 100,000 in the nation as a whole. Pat worked long hours at a lumber mill a few miles down the road. Its high sugar and caffeine content seem to be habit-forming, with many accounts of Appalachians constantly sipping and carrying bottles everywhere throughout the entire day. I had been traveling too much, and when I was home, I was still distant. The story of the Bell Witch is one of the most popular examples of Appalachian Mountain folklore, and it began in Robertson County, Tennessee. Appalachian or Southern Baby Names? The commercial starred a strikingly bizarre creature with the head of a pug, the body of a monkey and the legs of a baby. The region of the United States known as Appalachia basically follows the Appalachian Mountains. For my mountain home, shame surrounding Mountain Dew has become a rhetorical touchstone thats somehow come to shape the countrys perception of life in modern day Appalachia. In that same exodus, several of my mothers uncles moved to Ohio and Detroit for work. . For the 379 women enrolled in the study, pre-term birth rate, or PTB, was 6.6 percent against 14 percent for Hopkins County generally in the preceding years. Back in 2009, Priscilla Harris, an associate professor at the Appalachian College of Law, issued the first battle cry in the war against Mountain Dew mouth with a legal brief titled "Undoing the . Today, coal has left Appalachia, as have a host of other industries that brought economic opportunity. Marion Virginia: Heart of Appalachia's Highlands & Birthplace of Mountain Dew | Here's the 36th Episode in my new Exploring Appalachia series! As a result, Hannah made a 12-minute audio documentary about the experience for the Appalachian Media Institute, called "Foster Care in a Pandemic World." New Fathers and Quarantine Babies. But Vance thinks that outrage is Appalachian people being unwilling to take an honest look at Appalachias problems. This article was expanded into a full-length book,Night Comes to Cumberlands. With 50 percent more caffeine than Coke or Pepsi, Mountain Dew seems to be used as a kind of anti-depressant for children in the hills. According to Eater, Mountain Dew was invented by Barney and Ally Hartman, Tennesseans who were looking for a mixer to accompany their whiskey in the 1930s. Stay informed by following Appalachia on Twitter at @AppalachiaJourn. But did that make him a bad dad? Very well said indeed.Vance knows nothing at all about Appalachian or Scots Irish culture.His experience is that of any disassociated urban ethnic group filtered and bankrupted by a corrupt academic system that values social promotion.The disrespect of women and moral ambiguity on display in his poorly written value bin book is disgusting,and was promoted in exactly the same Big East / NYC fashion as the recently deceased corporate coaching group NXIVM. The basic principle in CenteringPregnancy, Rising told me in her suburban Washington, D.C., office, is that almost any group of people drawn together in a common health concern will be more motivated to alter their behavior than will a single patient hearing instructions alone in a doctors office. He concluded that Appalachia could not be fixed because its people were broken. We're no strangers to Mountain Dew in the south, or are we? First there are the most ancient crystalline rocks. Close. She's received a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study the problem. February 15, 2009 "Diet Mountain Dew" (alternately spelled as "Diet Mtn Dew" and originally titled "Diet Mt. 1. We can identify the [bacterial] footprints from oral infections in heart tissues. Basic education, says Harris, is also needed: "We also just need to let people know that you can drink these drinks safely, but they can also do harm. With time, a toothache can become another entity entirely. Nonetheless, the factors that contribute to poor dental health are not simply Mountain Dew; they are not even specifically linked to Appalachia. I abruptly found myself assessing everyone I met, trying to determine whether or not Caudill would consider them dullards. In late July 2013, I was invited to drink beer on a Friday night with a group of people in West Columbia, West Virginia. (London) 1841, #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } 9K Likes, 328 Comments. The freshest news from the food world every day, By submitting your email, you agree to our, How Mountain Dew Came to Perpetuate a Deep-Seated Appalachian Stereotype. Cherokee Indians were the main Native American group of the Southern Appalachian and Blue Ridge region, but there were also Iroquois, Powhatan, and Shawnee people.. But, as NPR points out, the same drink that celebrates the mountain region of Appalachia is also destroying it. "Oh, wow," my boyfriend remarked, a little awestruck. This year marks the 50th anniversary of Lyndon B Johnsons January 1964 State of the Union address. Over the next six weeks I returned regularly, befriending the extended group of people that spent time at Pats house. But theyre no more the norm than people who arent like that. Six years ago Ebersole was looking for a site where he could undertake a program to demonstrate in the field what clinicians were telling him in their practice. Less than 300 feet into our journey home, we rolled and tumbled. So millions of Americans go without dental insurance. My first daycare was just a few doors down. Just as the word Appalachia is generally pronounced Ap-pa-LATCH-a in the southern mountains, but more commonly Ap-pa-LAY-cha in the rest of the country, so too is there some dispute over the. O ften, photographers and journalists capture a version of Appalachia that is not a place - a vast geographic region covering 13 states with more than 25 million people - but a social and . To get a sense of what that looks like, check out this picture. Weeks later, he reported finding syringes in the street. With limited benefits through Medicaid and no benefits through Medicare, in order to receive insurance, people must purchase private plans or employer-provided plans. 3. MS. Anne and Harry M. Caudill Collection, 1854-1996, Special Collections, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington, Kentucky. A womans going to take the information they learn here and pass it along," says Todd-Langston. After becoming the first person to successfully call attention to the dark reality of what was happening in Appalachia, Caudills thinking changed. Noxious substances merely exacerbate a national problem that is affecting every region of the United States. A curated collection of pieces related to our most-popular subject matter. I havent read it yet; if I do (and thats a big if when there are so many other better books to read) it will be only so that I can answer academic pinheads who persist in decrying negative stereotypes for every group except white Southerners. MADISONVILLE, Ky. Nurse LeAnn Todd-Langston and nurse-midwife Sarah Almon had long known their rural west Kentucky county faced a crisis, but it was getting worse. Would people feel as open to chiding me or ribbing me about the drink if I were a man? Many lives were lost. Low-birth-weight infants also dropped by slightly more than half of state and national norms. Like those many before him including many news stories last year Vance has just written yet another look at these poor people story. Mountain Dew is the 4th top-selling carbonated soft drink on the planet; right behind Classic Coke, Pepsi, and Diet Coke - in that order. This is due to the influence of Scottish and . MADISONVILLE, Ky. . 5. Singer says one of the best opportunities to curb the problem is targeting programs like SNAP, which allows recipients to buy soda. Toothaches are the most common problem, causing lack of sleep and difficulty eating. Reply This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Appalachians are portrayed as individuals who are unable to get out of their own way problems caused by excessive Mountain Dew consumption. The phrase is inherently noxious. But over in Appalachia, the region that stretches roughly from southern New York state to Alabama, the fight against soda is targeting an altogether different concern: rotted teeth. According to a 2012 study by Yale's Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity, the federal government is spending $1.7 billion to $2.1 billion on soda purchases through SNAP. Named after mountain slang for moonshine, Mountain Dew was sold to Pepsi in 1964, where the soda went national. "We are using taxpayer dollars to buy soda for the SNAP program, and we are using taxpayer dollars to rip teeth out of people's heads who can't afford dental care and are on Medicaid," says Dana Singer, a research analyst at the Mid-Ohio Valley Health Department in Parkersburg, W.Va., who wants to see stricter regulations on sales of all sugary beverages in the region. Oops. Brushing Teeth 'Too Painful' Without insurance, people often go years without seeing a dentist. The Coal operators did not give any of the wealth they made through this devastating process back to the region. I remember this story myself. Add a global pandemic into the equation and that can make things even scarier. They dont scream at each other, they dont fight loved ones or strangers as a way of life. In areas where jobs are scarce, a persons financial security depends on her teeth. However, even in the states that do offer dental benefits, poor patients have difficulty getting appointments. No. And Part 2 explored the link between transportation and healthcare. The fact that it IS a narrative is one big reason why his book has gotten the attention it has, when more deserving explanations of Appalachian culture and history have been perhaps overlooked. "I see erosion from the acids in the drinks, and decay from the sugars," says Steven Ghareeb, spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry and a practicing dentist in South Charleston, W.Va. "They go hand in hand many times, and they're equally bad. The sun was setting and flashing red lights from an ambulance and several cop cars were lighting up the sky on the Ohio side of the river. Picking on Diet Mountain Dew was a surefire way to get my attention and cut me to the quick. 16 2013, Updated 11:19 p.m. On the tombstone, there were pictures of Butch partying and having a good time. If you calculate gum tissues inside and outside of the teeth its an area the size of the palm of your hand. No national news outlet, it seems, cares to shine a real light on the deep and profound problems (drug wars, economic stagnation, post-coal mine environmental havoc) facing the area that causes people to place their health on the backburner and, more often than not, fall on the crutch of unhealthy food and drink. Appalachia has a high concentration of these natural voids, including the world's longest. Brothers Barney and Ally Hartman, who had moved their business from Augusta, GA, to Knoxville in 1932, initially bottled a lemon-lime mixer they jokingly called Mountain Dew, a 19th century nickname for moonshine, for their own after-hours consumption. Under current guidelines, any kind of soda of any size can be purchased with a SNAP card even Mountain Dew, which has 170 calories in a single 12-ounce can. However, clinics are often too crowded to meet the demand. The Appalachian Mountain shiners are part of the hillbilly culture. Chaotic people beget chaos. It was during this time that Christian Missionaries first spoke of the Appalachian region as ignorant and impoverished. Four men showed off a massive pit of mud they found. However, as it stands now, dental care is treated separate from health care, launching an epidemic that weighs heaviest on those who need it most the rural poor. Today, theres a Mountain Dew to suit every tastefrom Code Red (cherry) to Baja Blast (lime)and enough generic knockoffs with names like Mountain Lion, Mountain Lightning and Mountain Holler to really put an exclamation point on the rural connection. I would probably get fewer dirty looks if I snorted a couple of lines of cocaine every day. Appalling already, the state of dental care in America faces even greater challenges with the threat of the Trump-backed American Health Care Act currently being debated in the Senate after passing in the House at the beginning of May. The angry reaction supports the academic literature on Appalachian Americans, he writes, then proceeds to cite exactly one piece of academic literature, a paper three sociologists published in 2000 about how hillbillies learn from an early age to deal with uncomfortable truths by avoiding them., We tend to overstate and to understate, to glorify the good and ignore the bad in ourselves, Vance writes. Beer, grilled chicken and cigarettes were offered in unlimited supply. "What Mountain Dew has going for it is that it's high in caffeine and high in sugar," Harris says, adding, "Students tell us it tastes best, and it's a habit.". On our way down the daylight faded and we navigated the terrain of the trail from our ATVs headlights. The town of Appalachia is considered to be a largely intact "era" town of the late 1800s, early 1900s. No one I met on the trails that day mentioned the rape of Appalachia nor did anyone mentioned that they missed the mountain. Harry Caudill, Whitesburg Position Statement. Proc. See other posts by Stacy here. People we meet in life can seem at first to represent a stereotype. Ally Hartman claimed the recipe was his brother's. 1958 Mountain Dew bottle. The town was the "hub" of eight "coal camps" located along the outskirts of the town. Heroes can be villains and villains can provide valuable insight into how to reimagine what we think we know about our own history. The two smarter passengers bailed during the flip but I was still hanging on to Dozer with the camera wrapped around my neck as I fell to the ground. A study published in theNation Bureau of Economic Research found that a missing tooth can result in a loss of $720 of earnings (and178 million peopleare missing at least one tooth). Appalachia this election year: So many stories, so little depth. MS. Anne and Harry M. Caudill Collection, 1854-1996, Special Collections, University of Kentucky Libraries, Lexington, Kentucky. Becoming a parent can be scary. A Fresh Look at Appalachia50 Years After the War on Poverty Kealey Lowe is a student at Stone Memorial High School. Reply . He is telling, in a very simple and easy to read fashion, a story, and stories trump textbooks every time. My camera was strapped around my neck, resting against my back. The poverty rate in Appalachia is 17.1% (the national poverty rate is 14.7%), and 87% of the region's 420 counties have more than 1.5 times the U.S. poverty rate. Jun. Yet throughout the United States, from remote areas of Alaska and across the contiguous 48, poor people struggle to get access to regular dental care, relying on charity clinics and hospital emergency rooms. Forty-seven thousand people reside in Madisonville-Hopkins County. are in the service sector, yet these jobs are hard to come by without a certain degree of oral health. Without access to preventative measure like regular oral checkups and teeth cleanings, as well as comprehensive care, Americas poor fight an uphill battle, involving increased health risk, social stigma and reinforced economic disadvantage. He uses this word over and over, beating it into the readers consciousness. My dada gentle, 30-year lawyer who likes to describe himself as an "old steady sheepdog"called me a couple of months ago to describe the scene unfolding near his office in my hometown. TikTok video from Katie Country ( "They call it that good ole Mtn Dew #smalltown #appalachia #comedyvideo". Exploring it was simultaneously deeply cathartic and like sticking my hand in an emotional meat grinder. It turned out that just behind Pats trailer was an old reclaimed strip mine that had been turned into ATV trails for recreational use. Mountain Dew is a drink very closely embedded in the Appalachian culture. Grease a baking dish with olive oil or butter, then pour on the Mountain Dew sauce mixture until about two inches high. is completely exhausting. Shameful or not, no food stuff is more personal to me, more deeply burrowed into my sense of identity than Diet Mountain Dew. Singer adds, "Here in West Virginia, you see people carrying around bottles of Mountain Dew all the time even at a public health conference.". In the kitchen that day, Mountain Dew was used as a stand in for a harder conversation about our waning relationship that we had been dancing around for months. According to the federal government, more than 50 million Americans live in areas officially designated asDental Health Professional Shortage Areas, and must travel hundreds of miles to get help. In the mountains, you dont look away because you remember when the heroin dealer was a second string quarterback. In a region long undergoing a cultural and economic crisis, Appalachias thirst for Mountain Dew is perhaps the lesser of many evils. (New York: Pergamon) 1977, 6. He came to believe that Appalachias gene pool had been watered down by inbreeding among what he called dullards who lived on welfare in remote mountain hollers (1). Great Britain. But what is "Mountain Dew Mouth?" Just dont read it and think you understand Appalachia. Singer says she would like to see West Virginia and other states in Appalachia try this approach. My teachers drank it, my doctor drank it and prisoners would drink it while picking up the littered roadside bottles. unsalted butter, at room temp, sugar, eggs, at room temp and. Use of thesesubstances is rampant in Appalachia; a single Kentucky county filled prescriptions for over 2 million doses of painkillers last year, which is about 150 doses for every man, woman and child. By sa smith on January 26, 2012. There were two versions of this song, the first version was written in 1928 and the second was in 1935. The vast majority of doctors lack the knowledge and tools to treat dental ailments. But according to Eater, the expression represents much more than teeth made brown and brittle by soda; it is an indication of the much deeper concerns in the area (like rampant drug use, economic stagnation, and lack of access to good healthcare), and how they've created a culture in which poor nutrition is not only the inevitable result but a minor issue by comparison. 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