The most meaningful thing that you can never take for granted is we gave about 850 part-time workers rings to get done. I think that was a necessity. Marc Lasry, the co-owner of the Milwaukee Bucks, has scaled back his play in recent years. Either it came from Khris Middleton or Jack [crosstalk 00:02:21]. What a wonderful experience. So, this had been a surreal year and tough as a leader because it's exhausting. Ill tell you how it I got the offer, the conversation and we play a pickup game of basketball every Saturday for 20 years with the same guys. Feigin told the crowd, "The city has really embraced the organization and this team in a way that is just heartwarming and proud and were not even there yet, which is really exciting and great so thank you very very much!". Malcolm D. Lee, the director of the Space Jam sequel starring LeBron James, and Christopher dAmboise, a former principal dancer with the New York City Ballet, are two of the games founding fathers. He was unfamiliar with Lasry, then his friend filled him in. I don't know how to talk about that other than like my dad was like my hero and he was selfless and kind of quietly just did anything for anybody and kind of was like that's how I had value for him. Peter: You got it running the 70s, 80s and 90s, yep. He captained. But he worries about the physical effects of another extended layoff. Back when the Feigins (now teenage) sons were much younger, Lasry suspected that Peter or Dan would give them a secret signal to scamper onto the floor if their team was losing. But I will tell you that most cathartic incredible, awesome thing, which everybody told me and again, the collaborative is awesome. That school happens to be the place where all of Mark Lazari and Wes Edenss kids went, who are the owners of the Bucks. I need socks and I know we're not making them. I just wanted to get it done and kind of move the needle and kind of. And you do it, for us, kind of my job was to be that rock and support and think about if you told me that 50% of my time would be spent on making sure everybody is okay. One was to have the keys to the gym and the other was to have the keys to the gear closet to get it done. Now youve been to the top of the mountain. Thank you. We hired an unbelievable CFO. Michael Red: It's been wonderful to watch. Are you now being used as a paradigm by other team presidents, GMs owners that are looking to you and coming to you for advice or for just pearls of wisdom of how can we do it because heres where we sit in baseball or in football or in basketball because they want to follow this amazing path and journey that you guys have created there? Hes the president of the Milwaukee Bucks and hes a native New Yorker. Although he has made a career of being in high-powered executive positions, he doesn't necessarily dress the part all the time. Is this coming? It would be great if you represented me and kind of went down there and looked at the business for a second." How do we keep driving? We're going to develop some residential and we'll hopefully have a great commercial tenant and we continue to build. Going back into the past is something I wanted to ask you about. John: Welcome to another edition of the impact podcast. But while it is nice to connect, Kearns described the calls as artificial sweetener. It is not the same. Michael Red: If you had to go back to your 16-year-old self, what advice would you give your 16-year-old self? Got it. I can't even imagine what these guys are going through.". Everythings compounded we happen to have picked Giannis in a draft, like in, as the 16th pick. Alex Woodhouse, 34, a photographer and musician who was a three-year starter at Colgate, joined the game in his mid-20s at the urging of a friend. Woodhouse had no idea what to expect. Weve got a sophomore in college and a senior in college. Peter: Hes was in consumer products. Michael Red: The mental health and wellness of the players, right? John: Right. financial capital with human capital to end up with the right result, how is that math done in Peter Feigins head? As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. Kearns has been shooting at an abandoned hoop that he discovered behind a train station in Connecticut. Right now, its very hard to figure out and understand where its going, because this is the wild West. There is an honor system. We pivoted and our kids were able to finish high school in New York and we made it work and now weve been Wisconsin residents from New York City, which is a whole other interesting transition. Which is a huge opportunity. It all matters what state youre in and whats going on with the legislation. I mean, I probably publicly spoke for the first time in my life 100 times in the first 200 days to everybody from Lions Clubs to the barber shop, to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts to kind of preach how big a deal it is for city this size to have and keep an NBA team. And I think the only thing anybody can control is their own effort and kind of their own dreams and where they want to go. He trusts you to run a business and he also ethically says Dont do anything you wouldnt want on the front page of a newspaper the next day, and he means it. Im so proud and honored to have this conversation with you today, and thank you for your generosity of your time. What has it meant to you to bet on yourself? Even though all of us who were so engaged into, nothing compared to what that value was, what that emotion was too. You sound super excited about the future. Peter Feigin: That this was a year you couldn't even imagine. Peter Feigin: I think building the relationship with Mark, probably through looking at other purchase opportunities and kind of talking through it. Peter: Yeah, so I think its here and I think its all about the customization, right. It's there is no time balance, so it's kind of surreal. I will say one of the big advantages of the national basketball association is it truly is a collaborative, like on the court we are competitive. Retired Miller Brewing Executive and past Crystal Living Legend Award Winner Virgil Colbert returned to Milwaukee for the event. Milwaukee Bucks President Peter Feigin received the Crystal Living Legend award from founders of the Black Inventors Gallery at a meet-and-greet with business leaders Wednesday. Yes, we are shiny toy people want to see how you build a project in time and under budget and how youd manage a project. I don't know, being able to be a business person and kind of get away from your day job and go into a data room of a pro team seemed just the greatest thing I'd ever experienced. And Dan Feigin still has keys to Trevors gym, which he has been putting to use by himself. How do we change the model, and really put new metrics out there, for us to get it? Id been in a big market. This is a small town, even though it's a big city. Michael Red: So, the Recruiter became the President basically? How could it be?" Why wouldn't you embrace Michael Red to really be a reflection of our franchise in such a great way because it's kind of what the great teams and brands do around the world is we've got this unbelievable legacy, which, you're a part of. Im not a big fan of, hey, we need to make money or consult off that. They better know you, they better get you. Peter: Well, my dad was at Brooklynite so we were Mets and Jets. That is an interesting statement. And 24 hours later, I think I called them from the Pfister Hotel and said like, "Oh, yeah. We screw around a hell of a lot, but let me tell you, if one of our guys was in trouble, if we need to circle the wagons, if they need advice on evaluating something they're doing, they know that it's extremely objective, it's immediate, and that's what we do here. We got to like we want to use our platform to affect change and change the world. But youve not only lived the dream but also climb to the mountain and very few win a championship. How do we think about marketing around the world? Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think it's part of the culture and kind of down from ownership, like you're going to stand for something or you're going to stand for nothing. Michael Red: Peter, Peter Feigin. Stay in touch anywhere, anytime with news, weather and video -- Download the TODAY'S TMJ4 app: Copyright 2015 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Youre unbelievably inspirational. Where does it sit? Incredibly these three guys were literally engaged. So, it's really about cost containment and preservation of jobs. You talk about how do people help you think through clutch times. And if a new player does not endear himself to the group, it tends to reflect poorly on whoever invited him in the first place. How could we reduce our costs immediately knowing that we weren't operating? As commissioner of one of New York Citys longstanding pickup basketball games, Dan Feigin always knew where he would be every Saturday morning: inside the subterranean gymnasium at Trevor Day School in Manhattan, where he has worked for nearly three decades as a teacher, coach and administrator. And then you have all the incidents around the country, including Kenosha. So, I think for myself to Coach Bud, to Jon, we all kind of are on the same page of preaching like, "This is a performance culture." Maybe I'm biased, but knowing you and seeing what you've done with the Bucks. Okay. Nobody ever thought it would be a year shutdown, but our owners are kind of incredible people, who want to see a plan, who want to see a recommendation and want to go forward. And that's before you're worried about what a health scare is. I think we had like, "Oh, we had decent amount of African Americans. The one thing about you that I've seen over the years is that you keep the culture in a funny mood, right? Thats and like you said, you get to share that with all the hundreds of other rings. God, I love it as a case study. Before we started this interview, you took a little break and said, John excuse me for a second because someone very special stopped by. Talk a little bit about the ice cream truck, the ice cream man. It's like it really is part of your life. Michael Red: Well, I love you back. Talk about that process. The arena is Feigin's baby, and he's almost ready to show it off, as doors will open next season. Because I hadnt worked in, Id worked in New York city. He's not the smartest guy in the world, but he'll certainly know the business and he'll help you out beyond your hedge fund guys and your data guys.". Not only do you have to have the best facilities, the best resources, no reason for anybody to say, What want to be, you got to be good people. I think that's something that you work with every day. That the only option we really had was to build grassroots and build relationships and take time across the entire community. You're a true friend, Peter, at least until you drop the parking ticket on me. And claimed, so before I did it again, I changed the two spots by the testing place to instead of handicap, they now say "Employee of the Month" right on the floor. And until next time, I'm Michael Red. We are brand marketing sales people. He loves people and he'll go nearly to any length to support, develop and back the people he works with. I asked every good question, every dumb question you could possibly imagine to really learn. But for the first time since 1992, the game has been shelved indefinitely because of the coronavirus pandemic. Check out the Undergraduate Program Majors & Careers Pursue your interests and passions with customized support from our career team. We should put our own definitions and we should continue to improve." Players, for 50 nights a year, land at 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning to get home and kind of do what the time balance is. We heard it straight from. We had a ceremony and we had, and out of all the things in the experience, like I want to be in a parade every day. Peter Feigin: Yeah. These guys are human beings. By the way, part of the culture here and part of the DNA is, before you come in and before you, youve got to want to be involved. and other sports leagues begin to outline their plans for comebacks in the age of social distancing, weekend warriors like Feigin are coping with basketball-shaped voids in their lives. Peter: Obviously, we have like, all of them are employee resource groups. How do we work together? Marc Lasry, the co-owner of the Bucks, joined The Run when his sons were students at Trevor. Last Wednesday, Milwaukee Bucks president Peter Feigin told the Rotary Club of Madison that Milwaukee is "the most segregated, racist place I've ever experienced in my life." The full quote,. So it was kind of building rapport and trust was the only way to kind of get this done. This guy is a relentless workaholic who is selfless to his teammates and like wants to win. Id worked for the New York Knicks. Our dinner table conversation. "Can you imagine? How are we going to attack this?". What people never tell you about the rings, its not just the 20 rings for the players and the coach and the owners. Here's your Asian Americans. People can find it at, I saw the website, it was Cluckery,, right? I actually read a whole story, theres a whole article, Peter, about your ring. Feigin's twin brother, Daniel, is director of the upper school at New York City's Trevor Day School. Brought on by Owner Marc Lasry as a sales and marketing guru, Feigin has helped the Bucks go from the basement. Peter Feigin: And then, one of the more proud moments in pro sports, we lead a boycott to a game, that becomes really a pause for the entire world. As you get older, its just harder to keep up with everybody, he said. Peter Feigin: These are all massive, huge, systematic problems for generations that we've got to chip away from every day. Peter Feigin: Yeah, I think it's kind of where is the balance? With your owners and partners and this great group of people you put together, whats the future look like for the Bucks and what can some of the fans expect in the upcoming season? Theyre going to look at that ring forever and remember that. Peter Feigin: Michael, like I said, anytime, anywhere. I think thats like fair. "We had to build a new arena or we were going to move the team. "We really want it to be a model around the world. You could also see their new uniform styles at Bucks Pro Shop. Here is your example of everything you read everything you hear, everything he does is true. MILWAUKEE Bucks President Peter Feigin helped lead the team to its first championship in 50 years, and now he has the . So, it really is kind of like all of us working together to figure out what the balance is. Some guys I went to high school with some guys who played college, and I leaked it at the opportunity at that game on a Saturday morning and everybody went absolutely nuts because for better or worse, Im kind of being your average guy, you do not think Peter Fiegins going to have the opportunity to become an NBA president to do it and these jobs are so rare and so incredible. Michael Red: Giannis Antetokounmpo and that team is so special to watch. You can imagine, yes, Id rather be in Miami for 180 days, no question. Everybody at ball was just, you got to move, go leave now. Kind of on a team, if you surround yourself with great players, you can figure out a way to win. Youve done it all. So, of course, he's just had enough. You know I got my sources. For more information on Engage or to book talent today, visit And have you seen that shift a little bit in the city since Milwaukee is kind of spearheading that, the Bucks? Peter Feigin, the president of the Milwaukee Bucks, playing defense. The entity at the center of the controversy the Milwaukee Bucks didn't waste time jumping in. How do we build the baselines? Thats an interesting question. Team president Peter Feigin and his wife each contributed $2,900, while Feigin's brother Daniel contributed $600. And then we kind of sat there until like, "Oh, my God." Are you allowed to talk about that, Peter? We're not an organization that splits up into silos of business or basketball. And I think with time, you certainly kind of can take that. And it was kind of an incredible moment. I always joke that we could run a country, dAmboise said. And I think the balance is really, really tough because you know what an NBA season is. This is a super special edition. He ends up being a generational player like you couldnt, if you were writing a Disney movie, which they have now written and now produced, it would be the fodder for a Disney. We had this, I think it was an intern, said to us like, Well, we should, have you read about ghost kitchens? Of course were sitting there going like, eh, kind of like, we dont know what the hell youre talking about. I think Wes Edens and Aaron Rodgers had been friends for awhile. We've developed about 75% of it and people are living here, working here, and playing. Peter: Yeah, I think I have this, my own personal craziness is I love to collect people. For Feigin, Lasry, Edens, Dinan, head coach Jason Kidd and the entire organization, Antetokounmpo, born and raised in Greece to Nigerian immigrants, is a business unicorn. A, if you werent doing this and I know this is a dream job. "Of course, you have Greece, but Asia is mesmerized by Giannis. But I'm sure [inaudible 00:30:10] the players in that process. Peter Feigin: And I think it's all how you how you go at it. His rise from recruiter's president, handing out parking tickets in the Buck's lot, working for social justice in the epicenter of the global movement, and his unique leadership style. Thats for every aspect of it. Michael Red: After knowing you for the last six years, personally, two qualities stand out: Extremely funny and extremely generous. Feigin got the funding approved in the next couple months, and the Bucks signed a 30-year lease to stay in Milwaukee. View career paths Pre-College Business Emerging Leaders (BEL) It will host 200 events each year with the Bucks and Marquette men's basketball as anchor attractions. Maria Natalia Mendez, a daughter of Dr. Nena Mendez and Dr. Hermann Mendez of Manhattan, was married Friday to Peter Feigin, a son of Barbara and James Feigin of Manhattan. Because are they getting too sophisticated too early in terms of their value enterprise? Being able to play ball with your son is kind of like the best of the best, Peter Feigin said. They're like, "Peter, don't double think anything. In 2014, Bucks President Peter Feigin lost his father to congestive heart failure. By form, I think your strength of your network is as strong and as smart as you can possibly be. She's a teacher. Peter: heres the market. Does he pass enough? Peter Feigin: Yeah. And I knew who Arthur Ashe was, but I wasn't a big tennis guy and my job was basically being Arthur Ashe's right hand person through. How do we rethink it? Peter Feigin: Yeah, so those are two great questions. Michael Red: Is there a pivotal moment that you can think of, even as a teenager or as a young kid, that you'd bet on yourself in a major, major way? When Lee was shooting his film The Best Man, he brought the actors Taye Diggs and Morris Chestnut to the gym. Days, no question and remember that at it this was a you! Cream man he worries about the rings, its very hard to figure out and understand its... To watch day school his film the best, peter special to watch is mesmerized by Giannis that all... About cost containment and preservation of jobs lost his father to congestive heart.... Crystal Living Legend Award Winner Virgil Colbert returned to Milwaukee for the first time since 1992, co-owner! Of their value enterprise got a sophomore in college ball was just you! Surround yourself with great players, you have Greece, but Asia mesmerized. And people are Living here, and the Bucks, playing defense friend filled him in again. 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