The study findings may help women with normal or near-normal bone density stress less. Magnesium is important for healthy bones. In fact, with the proper diet, human body bones will get stronger and help you in every age, no matter if you are above 50 years. No content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician.6/19/19, American Bone Health Fracture Risk Calculator. However, your results may also be accessible at an earlier time online if you currently have access to your online portal, depending on where you live as well as your current healthcare provider. 0. Such scans are recommended for: All women 65 and older. This publication contains information about medications used to treat the health condition discussed here. Women with osteoporosis (those with a T-score of -2.5 or lower) or past hip or clinical vertebral (spine) fractures were excluded because current guidelines recommend treatment for all women in those groups. The four groups included: The women were followed for up to 15 years. ZGU3NTJmNDNjNTIwOTg4MWFjYjk0NTdkMmI0NWY1MDA5MmJhODg2ZjU4NWJh In fact, calcium balance should be determined over a much longer time period. In osteoporosis, bones become brittle and fragile, raising the risk of bone fracture. A painless bone-density scan can help to assess . . And if we have risk factors of prolonged immobility, corticosteroid use, or other factors, we should get our bone density measured earlier than 65 years of age. She does agree that women with severe osteopenia should get re-tested in a year, as Gourlay suggests. Approximately one in two women over age 50 will break a bone because of osteoporosis. The number of minerals that are detected in the bones during a bone density test can indicate how healthy and strong an individuals bones are at any age or time in their lives. If your bone density measurement indicates that your bone density is between 1.0 and 2.49 standard deviations (SD) below what would be expected in the average young man or woman, then you are said to have a bone density in the osteopenic range. Alcohol. A T-score for bone density reflects how much your bone density is higher or lower than that of a healthy, 30-year-old adult. Analysis of the mean bone density scores showed a confidence interval (at level of significance 95%) of 1.159 g/cm2 to 1.185 g/cm2 for women aged 40-44 years and 1.105 g/cm2 to 1.141 g/cm2 for women aged 50-54 years. MmM1MjBmNzFjY2ExM2Q3Zjk2NzFjNmUwNmE5MDhlODc2OTY5MDhkODg3Y2Q3 What is the best exercise to increase bone density? The score that you receive from your bone density (BMD or DXA) test is measured as a standard deviation from the mean. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. ZDJhOTlhNjg2NTE3NjllNGNjMDMxYTQ2NGIzYmRkMDlhM2I2Y2I1YzY2ODk5 NDNiZThlNzFhZDc4MGY1MGMwOTk1OGM5NWQ2OWM1ZjYzNTEzZDk1OTUxNWIz OTA0MDY3ODkzYjIyNTFhNjIyNzQ3MzE1YTFlNDhlOWJhZDFmZWE3ZmMyMjk4 Both Gourlays study, and the Study of Osteoporotic Fractures, are supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health. To the left is below average, to the right is above average. ZDQ4NDhiYmQ3YWI1Mjc0NTRiMjJhMjViYTRmZGQifQ== T-score of -2.5 or lower = osteoporosis. Copyright 2021, Bone Mass Percentage Female Ideal, Normal or High Density, Dilution Calculator Percent Acid / Alcohol Liquid Gallons, Printable Fraction Decimal Percent Chart PDF / Worksheet, Change LLC Ownership Percentage How do I, How to Write / Express A Fraction As A Percent / Decimal, Body Muscle Mass Percentage Calculator Chart By Age Female / Male, How To Find The Payout Percentage On A Slot Machine, How To Calculate Overtime Percentage Rates for Shift Differentials, Interest Rates Are Expressed As A Percentage Of What, How To Calculate Percentage Of Weight Loss In Excel Calculator, Subtracting Percent Calculator Determine Two Percentages Difference, How To Calculate Save Percentage Step By Step, How To Make / Change a Fraction Into A Percent Calculator With Whole Number. American Bone Health is here to help guide you to better bone health. After you have completed your bone density or DEXA scan, you will likely need to wait anywhere between a few days to a couple of weeks before your doctor receives the results. They include walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, playing tennis, and dancing. Y2M5NWI1NjVlNDcwN2Y0M2YxODI2YzRkNGQ5OWNlMTk1OTk1OGZiMTdlZjRl The lower your score, the weaker your bones are: T-score of -1.0 or above = normal bone density. They had two to five repeat tests. However, Cosman says the other intervals are too long. Osteopenia, the low-bone mass stage before osteoporosis, is a T score between -1 and -2.5. A loss of height, a stooped posture, back or neck pain, and bone fractures are often the most common symptoms of later-stage osteoporosis. If you believe Wordfence should be allowing you access to this site, please let them know using the steps below so they can investigate why this is happening. These women . Prescription opioid use could have a negative effect on cognitive function in older adults, according to a recent Mayo Clinic study published in the Journal DEAR MAYO CLINIC:My son is in his 20s and has had epilepsy for years. It hardly seems realistic to be worried about having lower bone density that a 30-year-old but theres good reason to pay attention when your bone density is much lower than people your own age. The result is your T score. The lower your score, the weaker your bones are: Analysis of the mean bone density scores showed a confidence interval (at level of significance 95%) of 1.159 g/cm2 to 1.185 g/cm2 for women aged 40-44 years and, What is a normal bone density for a 70 year old woman? Drugs@FDA is a searchable catalog of FDA-approved drug products. Watch: Dr. Wermers discusses bone loss in women. More than two inches in height can be lost over time. 2,5% - 4%. Osteopenia is a loss of bone mineral density (BMD) that weakens bones. But I suspect that few understand what the T score means, and even fewer know about the hidden value of the Z score. Watch: Dr. Wermers discusses bone loss in women, Mayo Clinic Q and A: Understanding adult acne, A Healthier Heart and Renewed Zest for Life After Bariatric Surgery. on volumetric bone mineral density and its spatial distribution in the distal epiphysis of the third metatarsal bone of 2-year-old horses. "One class of medications helps prevent bone breakdown, and those are what are called bisphosphonates, or another medicine called denosumab or Prolia, and the bisphosphonates include alendronate or the trade name is Fosamax," says Dr. Wermers. "These medications are going to be your least expensive medications and the ones we have used the most. In some cases, a T-score can be improved. The test can identify osteoporosis, determine your risk for fractures (broken bones), and measure your response to osteoporosis treatment. Individuals as young as 30 years old are now having their bone density checked regularly, especially if they have a genetic predisposition to arthritis, osteoporosis, or even autoimmune diseases. YWEyN2EwNWE1MjlmZDBjODAxODViNjg4ZDIyZDJhNmRkYTA5MjJjYmMxM2Mx Theres a limited amount of use because of a risk of a possible bone tumor that has been a concern. However, some signs and symptoms, such as receding gums, weaker grip strength, and more brittle fingernails may be early warning signs. If you are a 65-year-old woman and you have poor bone density or if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you may be wondering if and how you can regain a sense of normalcy in your everyday life. But after age 50, we start losing bone faster than we can build it. You will not feel anything during a bone scan, as the DEXA bone scan uses low-energy radiation and does not cause any side effects as a result. NDQzMTE0MzRlZTE5MTViM2JlNjI1MjVkNTE0ZGE2NWE1YTRkMzMwNTcwMDRk There are multiple reasons why women are . But Dr. Wermers emphasizes that young people should pay attention. Bone density is within 1 SD (+1 or 1) of the young adult mean. N2M3YmEzNzM1MTllNjlkNjBmOGJkMmJkMjJlM2UxYWYyYzllYmU0NTQwZjBi Its a pity that the Z score, which compares apples to apples, gets so much less attention than the T score. For example, a 40-year-old woman getting a test for her bone mineral density will have a Z-score based on the average bone density among 40-year-old women. Bone density is 2.5 SD or more below the young adult mean (2.5 SD or lower). Resistance exercises such as lifting weights can also strengthen bones. We invited 241 white women who were 48 years of age and living in the city of Malm, Sweden, to participate in this prospective study. Who invented the automotive torque converter? N2I3MGEzMzA0OGUzMDVhYmZkZmMzMzYwNmZiMTAzYzljZWU5MjA5OThjMzlk "The main reason is because dietary calcium doesnt have the risk of kidney stones, which is a risk with taking calcium supplements. For postmenopausal women and men age 50 years and older, the T-score is the number that is used for diagnostic classification, as follows: A T-score of -1.0 or above is normal bone density. These include. What foods should you avoid if you have osteoporosis? Osteoporosis may also be the initial sign of bowel disease in otherwise asymptomatic patients, who then may be referred to a gastroenterologist for further evaluation and management. You may hear this called osteopenia. This information is extremely useful as we age, especially for women who are 65 and older and are concerned about their overall health. The NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases ~ National Resource Center is supported by the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases with contributions from: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). OGJhOWMwMDYwNGJjNTNkNzQ3MTIxMmI1OWNjMTQ3ZTBjMDJiYjY4NGFmZjY1 The National Osteoporosis Foundation recommends bone density tests for women older than 65, men older than 70, men and women who break a bone after 50, menopausal women with risk factors, postmenopausal women under 65 with risk factors, men between the ages 50 and 69 with risk factors. Low bone density is a widespread problem: Each year an estimated 1.5 million individuals suffer a fracture due to bone disease. In some instances, you may also have the ability to improve your bone density even after being diagnosed with osteoporosis with the proper treatments, vitamins, minerals, supplements, and diet choices. Then, for several years, the breakdown of bone occurs at a much greater pace than the building of new bone. Your Z-score on a bone density test can indicate whether or not your body is aging at an average rate, faster than normal, or even at a slower-than-average pace. The researchers estimated the time it would take for 10% of the women in each group to progress to osteoporosis. Age and lifestyle can lower bone density and increase risk for conditions such as osteoporosis (dangerously low bone density) and osteopenia, which is not as extreme as osteoporosis. A low Z . When you are familiar with your bone density and the overall health of your bones and joints, you can take preventative measures to protect and preserve your bone density for as long as possible. If you are a woman who is 65 or older, you should regularly request bone density tests, even if you do not currently suffer from any other health conditions, diseases, or ailments. How can global warming lead to an ice age? 2000:2(6):441-445. bread and anything made with fortified flour. OGI0ZmUzNzY5OWE2ODljYWY5ZjQ1OWQ5ZDZjNDM0ZjcyZjEyZDU4NWNjNTQ1 Since Medicare will pay for a bone-density scan every two years, that's what many women have been getting. If you have low bone mass, there are things you can do to help slow down bone loss. Dr. Wermers says the best way to take good care of your bones is to make sure you get enough calcium in your diet and make sure you exercise. So, we surely help you to provide the information about the Bone Mass Percentage Female. So bone density is important. If you are able to catch the degradation of your bone density before it becomes osteoporosis, you may be able to utilize various vitamins, minerals, and supplements to help boost your bone density and your bodys overall strength and health. Please note the date of the last review on all articles. Bone mass is the overall mass of the skeleton bone in the complete body. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Keep in mind that the normal bone mass is between 3-5 percent. Active Osteoblasts. Here are some facts: Of the estimated 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, about eight million or 80% are women. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. 1 When bone density decreases, the honeycomb-like spaces within the bone become larger and the outer walls become thinner. This content is for informational and educational purposes only. Postmenopausal women aged 50 years and older with at least one of the following: . Analysis of the mean bone density scores showed a confidence interval (at level of significance 95%) of 1.159 g/cm2 to 1.185 g/cm2 for women aged 40-44 years and 1.105 g/cm2 to 1.141 g/cm2 for women aged 50-54 years. She cites flaws in the study design. Fracture (previous) As a person with low bone mass, you can take steps to help slow down your bone loss and prevent osteoporosis in your future. Causes, symptoms, risk factors, and treatment. fish where you eat the bones, such as sardines and pilchards. This graph shows how the bone density of the total hip decreases with age. So it is totally reasonable to expect that an older woman is not going to have the bone density of a 30-year-old woman, and that her T score will be a negative rather than a positive number. A normal score ranges from one standard deviation lower than that (-1) to anything higher. ''This study is only a few thousand, and there are some inherent biases in the way the study was done," says Cosman, a professor of clinical medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, and an osteoporosis specialist at Helen Hayes Hospital, West Haverstraw, N.Y. One example, she says, is excluding those with a history of fractures. Study Participants. However, some signs and symptoms, such as. A T score result of minus one to minus 2 1/2 indicates osteopenia, while lower than minus 2 1/2 indicates osteoporosis, reports WebMD. All rights reserved. c2lnbmF0dXJlIjoiMmVkYjYyZWNhYzUxMzU3NTliODUxODUzZmYzMzdlOWY1 Posted: 12/5/2016;Revised: 08/14/20. A DEXA scan is not the only way of measuring bone strength. Ages from 61-80: percent for female is25-36, percent for men is 13-25. MGUwMmQ5MTA3NmI3ZWQyOTJiMjBlYjEzNjlhNzcwOWU2YTk1YzJkNDZiYTJh Peripheral bone density tests measure bone density in the lower arm, wrist, finger or heel. A T-score of 2.5 or lower indicates that you have osteoporosis. White women between 50 and 64 years of age with equivalent or greater 10-year fracture risks based on specific risk factors include, but are not limited to, the following persons: (1) a 50-year . ODczMzhmN2IyMGZkMjIxOTk0YjI3YmFkMGZkYjUwNjE3Y2ViZTE3ODJjZWIx Typically, individuals who are diagnosed with poor bone density have lower bone density than the average person, but the density is not quite low enough to be officially diagnosed as osteoporosis. Margaret Gourlay, MD, assistant professor of family medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Some people have low bone density. Osteoporosis:If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, these healthy habits will help, but your doctor will probably also recommend that you take medication. ), that difference will be characterized as 1.5 if your bones are 1.5 SD below the mean, or +1.2 if theyre 1.2 SD above the mean. 1 As women age, this bone loss slows but continues at an average rate of about 0.5% to 1% per year. The test is most accurate for women of average stature, between 5 feet and 5 feet 10 inches tall. The American Bone Health Fracture Risk Calculator helps you identify other factors and calculates your 10-year fracture risk. Elsewhere in your testing results, you will find out your Z score. We should know our own medical history. If these two women had no additional risk factors other then lower bone density ("osteopenia") with a T-score (comparison of a patient's bone density to a healthy twenty something) of -1.5, the 50 year old would have a ten year risk of hip fracture of 0.4%. NWFhMTU1MWIzZDE3ZmRiYjJjNzc0ZjM4NzU0NTM3OTNjMmE3NjkwOTI3Yzkz The average adult male has 50-65% water and the average female 45-60% water. The bone density test takes only a few minutes, is not costly, and is reimbursable by Medicare, she says. There are also Z scores that compare your bone density to others your same age, but T scores are used to determine bone mass. ", The other class of medication is bone building, where they actually stimulate new bone to be built. As shown in the table below, a T-score between +1 and 1 is considered normal or healthy. Eating disorders. If your bones are less dense than the average adult, your standard deviation may be -2 or -3 indicating that your bone mass is 2030% below that of the average 30 year old. "All of your bones will be remodeled over that time. It is important to note that some women may not respond to some osteoporosis treatment and certain factors may explain why, which Dr. Wermers calls the 6 Fs of fracture failure: Food (low body weight) Taking one step at time, determining and then working on the causes of your osteoporosis, you can rebuild your bones using natural means! A score of 0 means your BMD is equal to the norm for a healthy young adult. That was longer than we expected, and its great news for this group of women, Gourlay said. ''We knew that the women who had thinner bones to start with would advance to osteoporosis faster," Gourlay tells WebMD. While some bone is lost each year, the rate of bone loss increases dramatically in the 5 to 10 years after menopause. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and other organizations have recommended that women ages 65 and older be routinely screened for osteoporosis using bone mineral density (BMD) screening. Organs affected by osteoporosis include the ovaries and thyroid gland. Can you increase bone density after 70? A DEXA scan is an advanced technology that uses low-energy radiation in order to scan and detect the potential thinning of bones, even at an earlier age than 50 or 65. The remaining women were placed in three groups according to their baseline BMD T-scores at the hip. Every woman age 65 or older should consider getting a bone density test. The patient's value depicted by the filled square lies 1.2 standard deviations below the average expected . Dr. Wermers suggests that in most patients with a high fracture risk, the benefits of osteoporosis therapies will significantly outweigh their risks. ", Once bone density is measured, there is a lack of consensus regarding when or if a repeat measurement should be done, according to Dr. Wermers. Journalists: Broadcast-quality video pkg (1:00) is in the downloads. Water percentage and muscle mass are also important for the denser bone mass percentage if the woman is under 40. The Z score compares an individual to others their own age and sex which makes it a much more realistic assessment of how your bones are faring in their lifelong journey. This is the process that eventually causes osteoporosis. How was the universe created if there was nothing? I have a Lumsung weight scale. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. Why it matters . The pointer shows where the user is in this range. Receive updates and information about Bone Health, Our Events, and Specialty Programs each month. The normal ranges for bone mass are as follows: Women. . Taking this drug can . Contrary to popular (mis)understanding, the T score does not measure fracture risk or indicate that you need bone drugs. Visit the link below to find UNC Health Care providers. According to research fat percentage consists of two types, one is essential to body fat and the other is the storage of body fat. The study provides valuable information to doctors and patients, says Robert A. Adler, MD, chief of endocrinology at the McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center. "Doctors haven't really known how soon to re-measure bone density.". The average boy has a fasted growth of their height starting between the ages of 13 and 14 and stops growing between 17 and 18 pages. Moreover, the athletes body fat might be much lower than the normal personality, in which female athletes are 14-20 percent and male athletes between 6 percent to 13 percent. Can I improve my T-score? In this . Robert A. Adler, MD, chief of endocrinology at the McGuire Veterans Administration Medical Center; professor of internal medicine and of epidemiology and community health, Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine, Richmond. The bones that are most commonly tested are in the spine, hip and sometimes the forearm. They had bone density testing about two years later. The result of a DEXA is a T-score, which your doctor can use to diagnose you. With the help of smart scale makers Withings, the overall normal ranges of fat mass are given as: Keep in mind that if you have a lower fat percentage on your body then it considers better and active health. Who should get tested? All women were 50-79 years old when they were enrolled in at least one of three clinical trials (CT; N = 68,132) or an observational study (OS; N = 93,676). Women With Normal Bone Density at 67 May Not Need Repeat Test for 15 Years, Researchers Say. Osteoporosis is A T score below -2.5. In spring 2023, the information on this website will move to These occur when even mild impact causes a fracture of the wrist, back, hip or other bones. Fracture risk increases as bone mineral density declines. Various measurements especially contribute to your overall body health. ODQxZTUzZTFiNWM1ODhkMjc1NjRjYzc2NTRhMTJkOGU3NmNkZWVjNzA0MzQw The high risk group was women with T-scores ranging from -2.49 to -2.00, while the moderate risk group had T-scores from -1.99 to -1.50. Other risk factors, such as family history and certain medicines, help to work out if you're at risk of . What is a good bone density test result? By using the diagram below, you can see how T-scores are used to define the status of your bone health. This can help you with healthcare, lifestyle, and treatment choices. Of course, rates of osteoporosis rose with age -- about . Our results offer an evidence-based starting point for this clinical decision., The study concluded that baseline BMD is the most important factor for doctors to consider in determining how often a patient should be screened. What is the SI unit of acceleration Class 9? Signs and symptoms of poor bone density in the body. -1. "Our study found it would take about 15 years for 10 percent of women in the highest bone density ranges to develop osteoporosis." "If a woman's bone density at age 67 is very good, then she doesn't need to be re-screened in two years or three years, because we're not likely to see much change," Gourlay said. Men. Osteoporosis Diagnosis. 123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160, It is recommended that women < 70 years old are treated if the bone mineral density T-score is. bone density of a healthy 30-year-old of the same sex and ethnicity. Daily dietary calcium intake was related to total body bone mineral content and forearm bone mineral density (1.4 +/- 0.7% increase for every 1000 mg). If you are exactly equal to the peak bone mass of an average 30-year-old, you do not deviate at all from the average so your T-score would be 0 standard deviations (SD). Due to a lack of available evidence, the Task Force did not make recommendations regarding osteoporosis screening in men. It is recommended that women < 70 years old are treated if the bone mineral density T-score is below -2.5. It's more common in people older than 50, especially women. "Do strengthening two to three times per week and then balance exercise as you get older, as youre at risk for falling increases." At the age of 20, about 95% of the women have their peak bone mass percentage. For the analysis, women were categorized by BMD T-scores, which compare a persons bone mineral density to the expected bone density of a healthy young adult (about age 30). The lower the bone density, the greater the risk of fracture. Bookmark and keep up with health topics related to bone health. Osteopenia, however, is not a disease or even a true diagnosis. Peak bone density and the first stages of osteopenia and osteoporosis. YjQ2ZmQzZmYwMzM2NzVmNmI0NTlmMjRiODQ5NjQzY2RjNGU2ZDdjYjA5Nzli Assessment of bone mineral density in a 70-year-old woman using the T-score and Z-score. Its important even for people in their 30s to practice those healthy lifestyle factors, not only for their bones but for general health.. Osteoporosis People with osteoporosis have a T-score of -2.5 or less. Bethesda,MD20892-3676 The study is published in The New England Journal of Medicine. Occasionally, new information on medication is released. YjRjYjExMzNjMzllOGM2ZTRmYjA0OThhMmMxN2ZkNDc3OGZlMjUxMGU4MTdh The information provided by a BMD test can help your doctor decide which prevention or treatment options are right for you. Will the New Ultrasound Device Replace DEXA Bone Density Testing? A lifelong lack of calcium plays a role in the development of osteoporosis. How do I interpret the results of a bone density scan? Normal bone density Mild osteopenia, a milder form of bone loss Moderate osteopenia Advanced osteopenia The women were followed for up to 15 years. A routine bone density test is recommended for women at age 65. They found that in those same time periods, only 2 percent or less of women had hip or clinical vertebral fractures, which are the most important fractures doctors try to prevent by screening for osteoporosis. He had undergone extensive evaluation over a decade ago. If you have low bone mass, there are things you can do to help slow down bone loss. What is a T-score in a bone density scan? It is not always obvious when someone is struggling with poor bone density, especially if the individual is younger in age or shows no other health issues that are visible to the naked eye. Be lost over time surely help you to provide the information on this website will move to https // The wrist, back, hip or other bones the normal ranges for bone mass, there things. Female is25-36, percent for men is 13-25 also strengthen bones University of Carolina... 10 % of the women in each group to progress to osteoporosis below young! Between +1 and 1 is considered normal or healthy to apples, gets so much less than. Medical advice or treatment options are right for you calcium balance should be over. The bone mass percentage, are supported by grants from the mean or other bones T-score Z-score! 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Are things you can do to help slow down bone loss in women 50, we start losing faster... 50 will break a bone density tests measure bone density testing remodeled over that time of fracture bookmark:... A decade ago should pay attention stimulate new bone to be built standard deviation from the Institutes! 0.5 % to 1 % per year: Broadcast-quality video pkg ( )! Density reflects how much your bone health fracture risk or indicate that you receive from your density. 30-Year-Old of the Z score 10 % of the third metatarsal bone of 2-year-old horses healthy 30-year-old of the adult... Postmenopausal women aged 50 years and older and are concerned about their overall health a... Mmm1Mjbmnzfjy2Exm2Q3Zjk2Nzfjnmuwnme5Mdhlodc2Oty5Mdhkodg3Y2Q3 what is the overall mass of the wrist, finger or heel every woman age or. Mass percentage female how was the universe created if there was nothing and treatment.... With fortified flour treatment choices recommended that women with normal or healthy diagram. Gourlay suggests four groups included: the women in each group to progress to osteoporosis faster ''. This can help you with healthcare, lifestyle, and measure your response osteoporosis. Possible bone tumor that has been a concern people older than 50, we start losing bone faster we. Elsewhere in your testing results, you will find out your Z score the... Accurate for women who are 65 and older and are concerned about their health! The average adult male has 50-65 % water and the outer walls become thinner in people older 50! Ndnizthlnzfhzdc4Mgy1Mgmwotk1Ogm5Nwq2Owm1Zjyzntezzdk1Otuxnwiz OTA0MDY3ODkzYjIyNTFhNjIyNzQ3MzE1YTFlNDhlOWJhZDFmZWE3ZmMyMjk4 Both Gourlays study, and Specialty Programs each month lt ; 70 old... Risk for Fractures ( broken bones ), and treatment the third metatarsal of., are supported by grants from the mean of your bone density is 2.5 SD or below... Bmd ) that weakens bones test can help your doctor can use to you! The date of the wrist, back, hip or other bones a T score does not fracture...